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Comment Democrats, here's your chance (Score 0) 129

This is exactly the kind of program that Democrats love to fund, and who can blame them? It does, indeed, help poor people. The problem is that Congress has no legal charter to pay people's personal Internet bills. Here we have a good idea, but it's just not one that government can solve.

Dems, here's your big chance! You can set up a GoFundMe to help these folks, and pick up the slack.

Comment Re:The details of the paper say it happened 91 MY (Score 4, Interesting) 75

Mod parent up.

It's pretty hard to popularize science. You have to simplify things down far enough to be understood by readers without any formal background, but not leave out anything important that would leave the wrong impression. One presumes your typical reader of the Independent newspaper in the UK would read this article and just think, "oh, very well, carry on".

But it's great to have so many eyes on everything now so people can fill in the context for us. This is a truly net positive of having an Internet. Social media isn't all bad.

I'm glad to see a "hard" science news post on Slashdot. There have been so many science posts here in the past few years that are just junk, in my opinion. Lots of science-y and scientism stuff, all mixed in with politics and talking points. This is supposed to be a place where engineers and technical people come to talk. We want the facts, not the spin.

Comment Re:Today, having kids is Irresponsible (Score 1) 281

Not so. Anyone who axquires a marketable skill, is reasonably competent, and has a strong work ethic will never go hungry in the US. That's why people immigrate here in droves. Kids don't care what your salary is. They need very little to thrive physically. I started raising my kids when I was in my 20s and earning just a mere fraction of what I earned later in life.

Comment Musk was right, children are a blessing (Score 2, Insightful) 281

It wasn't that long ago that Elon Musk was roundly criticized for saying we're facing a population decline, not an increase. He was right, having children is a blessing. As a family man, I can tell you that you won't find anything more amazing than being a Dad. It changes you. It gives you an enormous sense of purpose. When that first child is born, especially, you feel the weight of it: this wonderful creature, its very life and health, depends upon you now. You won't need to tell yourself to get up and go, not ever again, not until they leave home.

Comment Here we go again with the central planning (Score 0) 113

One of the great ironies of our time is how government apparatchiks implement rule after rule to constrain the evils of capitalism, and wind up creating more capitalists in the process. How many times do we need to learn the lesson that a dynamic, adaptive system can't be centrally controlled? You can't stop water from flowing, but you can channel it. If you're smart, you'll channel it to your benefit.

Non-competes are part of the employer's incentive package. In return for keeping this or that secret, they promise to give you this many shares, or this position of authority, or this much money. Take non-competes away, and business will respond by binding potential employees in even more creatively onerous ways. Far from causing businesses to cough up more in return, removing these will surely reduce benefits and pay.

Another misguided attempt at central planning. The government can't balance its own checkbook, but it's absolutely certain it knows exactly how employers and employees ought to write their employment contracts.

Comment Re:That's 50 down, 950 to go (Score 1) 228

I'm calling for people to stop believing nonsense and to think for a couple of seconds before signing onto some political agenda. If there are in fact 950 more knuckleheads at Google who are planning to disrupt the workplace like the last 50, then everyone benefits if they get shown to the door.

Comment That's 50 down, 950 to go (Score 4, Interesting) 228

From the No Tech For Apartheid website:

"We’re heeding the call from over 1000 Google and Amazon workers to rise up against the contract, known as Project Nimbus.Technology should be used to bring people together, not enable apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler-colonialism. Following in the footsteps of those who fought to divest from apartheid South Africa and won, it’s our responsibility to rise up in support of Palestinian freedom. The Amazon and Google execs who signed this contract can still choose to be on the right side of history."

Frankly, the only reason groups like these continue to exist is because people believe their BS. Israel isn't engaging in "apartheid", they evacuated the Gaza Strip in 2005, and it has been run by Hamas ever since. They aren't engaging in "ethnic cleansing", they're not the ones stockpiling weapons and command centers in hospitals, schools, and homes, that's what Hamas is doing. Nor are they "colonizing" the Gaza Strip, they literally built a wall around it to separate themselves from it.

I'm no Israel apologist, but BS is BS, it smells the same all over the world. It's a lot more important to use the brain God gave you than to be "on the right side of history". Stop listening to these guys.

Comment Net Zero is a stupid reason for EVs (Score -1) 204

I don't give a fig about "Net Zero". It's not an scientific concept, it's marketing-speak. I want to know about value, price vs performance, robustness, longevity, carrying capacity, how EVs change workflows and delivery schedules. A different powertrain than the one we've been using for the past 150 years might be useful. It might change the equation, provide different sweetspots. It's worth a large scale experiment.

But it's not going to SAVE THE PLANET because that's a silly, stupid goal that only politicians talk about to make you vote for them.

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