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Journal Journal: Chilling Censorship

The other day my ad was censored in the newspaper. I'll let you know what led to this with a minute by minute count of that day:

December 3, 2003


Journal Journal: Rogers Cable Investigating Satellite Stores? 3

A most unusual thing happened today. My business partner tells me today we received a visit from someone who purports to represent Rogers Cable of Canada.

Rogers Cable is one of Ontario's (if not Canada's) largest cable television services.

For a laugh, you can see a satisfied Rogers customer's site right here.


Journal Journal: Subliminal Advertising? 1

Did I just see "" on the TV in the latest Canadian McDonald's commercial for some sweepstakes?

Or am I just losing it? It's certainly been a long day...


Journal Journal: Possible infringing SCO code 2

So, I came across this story in LWN today. In it is a link to SCO's reasoning for their pricing (and the actual pricing, which is $699).

Amazingly, SCO explains where the infringing code is to be found!


Journal Journal: Samba wackyness... 1

Well, I decided to mount my windows box the other day. For some reason, I couldn't edit an mpeg with GOPchop. Something about being out of memory or something.

Strange... until I did a directory listing...


Journal Journal: The Matrix Reloaded Sucks 1

[I'll avoid plot spoilers as much as possible]

Honestly, I really tried to enjoy this movie.

In the first movie, the Wachowski brothers did a good job of molding the film around Keanu's wooden, single expression, acting, just like the producers did for Bill & Ted's excellent adventure (his only other worthwhile movie).

But this time they didn't support Keanu with clues from other actors as to what he's feeling.


Journal Journal: HTML Mail 8

For the first time EVER I received an HTML email that actually was better presented as HTML.

I'm currently looking for some commercial real-estate to open a computer store in. We've spoken with a local realtor, and he did a thorough MLS search for us. The real estate sent me a nice, no BS, HTML formatted email with all the interesting matches he could find for us.

United States

Journal Journal: Sierra Club violating the DMCA? 2

It would seem the Sierra Club has taken to violating the DMCA!

They are recycling cell phones for the third world, yet obviously the third world isn't going to have any of the providers these phones are locked to (in the US, virtually all phones sold are locked to a provider).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Updates on Passive Smoking 1

Just posting this to let you know I've fixed some errors in my Passive Smoking journal entry.

Also, if the discussion in that journal entry gets closed up, feel free to post here instead.

User Journal


(Update: I've redone the numbers, by request, as my calculations of one NYCer dead from SHS were way off -- April 12, 2003)

Holy hell, Batman, I bet you are thinking. I must be a rabid insane smoker. I'm not.

Let me show you the statistics, and let you decide for yourself if there is a proven link between lung cancer / heart disease and smoking.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Me 2

section 1 of 1 of file me-jpeg.jpg

begin 644 me-jpeg.jpg

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