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Comment Yeah.. (Score 1, Interesting) 418

As a college aged kid I'm also finding it harder to enjoy video games as I used to.
It is something that can be grown out of, people change yadda yadda...

All I know is that I can't be mesmorized by a video game experience anymore as I could when I was younger.

Comment Good. (Score 4, Insightful) 374

You know what? Good for the porn company.
It's messed up that the EFF thinks that it's not okay to sue thousands of people at once. In my eyes, it seems like that's the best way to deal with it.
I mean, piracy is messed up. I pirate things, but I know that pirating things doesn't help the people that create it. Music, movies, books, porn, no matter what you are pirating it. The only way to sensibly deal with this in court is to deal with everyone who's committing the "crime" (I say crime in quotations because I'm not going to say if piracy is really a crime).
So I say good job porn makers. You guys are getting shafted, and it is messed up.

Comment Pointless (Score 1) 380

This is such a stupid article. It doesn't take into account atmosphere or presence of water at all. The only data the the guy uses is that there happens to be one planet 20 light years away that is roughly the same size as Earth. That is the only data he uses to come to his conclusion. What a waste of time.

Comment Dataset (Score 1) 312

Going back to the old story and looking at what data the companies used to predict the outcome, it doesn't surprise me it's inaccurate. They used:
  • Betting market data
  • Elo ratings
  • Salary data
  • Historical World Cup data
  • Socioeconomic data

While that's not a bad way to start, what seems to be more important is how well the team plays together and the chemistry and attitude of the team in general. As we saw with England (and France), you can put a bunch of great soccer players on one team, but that doesn't mean they're going to play well together.

Comment Bad Summary (Score 1) 79

This summary doesn't accurately describe the intention of this device.
It was actually mentioned in my human-computer interactions class.
The idea is that a long-distance couple wears these vests and one of the couple can trigger the other couple's vest to simulate a hug.
So it's a way for long-distance couples to deal with being away from each other for a while.
A little silly, but a cute idea.

Comment Re:Already possible (Score 1) 318

This just makes it a little bit easier. One could easily write a LUA script that /who's the player in-game between some intervals and save the info. Or the more geeky ones could write a program that uses WoW's protocol and logins to do the same (and relogins if disconnected).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the user you're stalking ignore/ban you, and stop you from /who-ing them?

Comment Re:Mod the article flamebait (Score 1) 454

It's not that the word "Evolve" in the title is misleading, it's that the whole article has NOTHING to do with males evolving faster than females. It says that the Y chromosome is evolving rapidly. That's it. Nothing more. The Slashdot editor took that simple premise in the article and decided to create a masterpiece of flamebait. Thanks for turning what might have been an interesting genetic discussion into nothing.

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