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Comment Re:how is this news (Score 2) 357

Perhaps they shouldn't have forked out for a pair of glasses they knew were banned from movie theaters?

And then we can ban service dogs from restaurants, because blind people shouldn't have got a dog they knew were banned from restaurants.

Really - do people even bother recording movies at the theatre anymore? And what are they going to do when hearing aids eventually get Bluetooth or some other method of recording?

Comment Re:Small Government Mandate (Score 1) 142

Yep. Remember her premise was that only the weak needed socialism and welfare, and that it was evil. I would respect her a lot more if she hadn't shown her hypocrisy at the end, and had accepted her end (and obvious failure to take care of herself according to her libertarian principles.

(For comparison, consider if Ghandi had raised an army in his later years. Kinda ruins the point of non-violent resistance, yes?)

Comment Re:You have it wrong. (Score 1) 323

No more ridiculous than blaming the parents, who were at work at the time, for what their kid was doing in the school.

Except that the school *did* tell the parents. (Probably while telling them that their kid is suspended.) And the parents grounded their little bundle-of-joy for a week, so obviously they agree at some level that their kid's a little shit.

Where they dropped the ball is that Little Timmy didn't have to go over to this kid's house and apologize to her face. Not to mention checking to make damned sure that the site was down. If Timmy had sprayed graffiti all over a house, you wouldn't ground him, but figure "nah, he doesn't need to actually clean it up", right?

Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

My advice to my son or daughter would be the same regarding photos of semen all over their faces: if you don't want people to see those photos, don't take those photos. Do not allow those photos to be taken. Do not allow them to exist.

Do you also advice them not to get a credit card, because fraud could happen? "If you don't want people to steal your credit card info, don't get a credit card. Do not allow them to take your info. Do not allow it to exist."

If I steal your car, is it your fault for buying a car? You could have chosen not to have a car, after all.

What if the photos exist in non-digital form (y'know, the old fashioned way). If your son or daughter is robbed and the photos are stolen from their apartment, is it still their fault?

That's the fallacy - forget hacking. These people were robbed, and the robbers are now flaunting their ill-gotten gains. It's no different then getting robbed, and then the crooks taking ads out in the paper showing pictures of all your underwear with snarky comments attached.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 185

No, but in England and Wales, “You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in Court.”

In other words, you do not have the right to not say anything.

Read it again - you have the right to stay silent. But if you later pipe up in Court with important details that are now convenient to you, the prosecution is allowed to point out that you had the opportunity to mention this earlier and didn't. Nothing compells you to say it at all.

Comment Re:What Microsoft could do (Score 1) 210

Employees are also told to say they’re calling from Ontario, and the callers used fake names.

Using fake names is actually a thing in call centres. Once upon a time, I worked for a completely legitimate educational facility, calling alumni for donations. (Hey, better than retail, right)? Rule 1 was to never use your real name, because (a) you never knew if someone was going to go all stalker-y, and (b) it's an easy mental barrier between people venting at you, and, well, you (because they're not yelling at me, they're yelling at "Antonio".)

Comment Re: Actually (Score 1) 210

I know this is sort of off topic, but duct cleaning is a real thing. I work in the HVACR (air conditioning / refrigeration) business. Now there are scammers in all trades, but if you are worried check the BBB or Angie's list to see. Duct cleaning makes the system more efficient, removes mold and bacteria. Just my $.02 .

As a consumer, I'm not going to buy *anything* over the phone. If you're a legit business, you'll have better luck running ads or putting flyers in my mailbox or even knocking on my front door. There's so much spam over the phone (between the OMG-you're-in-trouble to the You-Just-Won-A-Trip-From-An-Airline), that you can be the most reputable company on the planet - I'm not buying shit from you over the phone.

Comment Re:Seems reasonable (Score 1) 462

The only way to stop this is to criminally prosecute corrupt cops. Which happens from time to time, but not nearly enough.

To be honest, that was my second thought. (My first being "well, there's another reason not to go to the States - as if I needed another one"). What would happen if you simply called your embassy, then the local police and reported a highway robbery?

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 1) 213

Bicycles honestly do belong on the road. Where else are you going to put them, on the sidewalk? There are pedestrians up there.

Sure, but what's more dangerous - a car hitting a bike, or a bike hitting a pedestrian? Not to mention differential in speed...

Give me a decently wide sidewalk, and let the bikes watch out for people. Safer all around.

Comment Re: What the heck? (Score 1) 354

The problem is the risk: fighting this DCMA takedown requires expensive lawyer, and there is a small risk that wolfse has some reasoning that a court will agree with. In that case the costs will be so high, that the "in their free time"projects would make them bankrupt or something like that.

There's a simpler problem - you're trying to blackmail Mojang into open-sourcing code by holding hostage a fan project on the side. Wolfse has killed the bukkit project, but that just pisses off all the server/plugin owners. Vanilla Minecraft will continue on it's merry way while other programmers re-write his contributions.

And Wolfse has the problem of ever finding a programming job again.

Comment Re:Don't Compare One Guy Getting Fired... (Score 1) 441

And what's worse, is that the cops (who, remember, are the source of all this news!) have already firmly established this guy in everyone's mind as "the crazy teacher who writes books about shooting kids".

So, what's the best case scenario for this teacher? Gets a clean bill of health, and spends the rest of his days as "the crazy teacher"? (And of course, you know that if the psych exam comes out clean the cops aren't going to release big press releases trumping the mistake).

More likely, since he's in involuntary detention, the report will say whatever the cops need it to say, and we may never see this fellow again. He's certainly not going to get his job back.

Comment Re:Sue the bastards (Score 1) 441

That depends on getting enough public notice (and sympathy) that the school board feels the need to make the problem go away.

Barring that, school boards are astoundingly good at playing the Very Long Game - they keep lawyers on staff, after all. It costs them next to nothing to just dig their heels in and wait this guy out.

Comment Re:They still need to orchestrate a show and tell (Score 2) 419

Ain't you so glad now that Microsoft has finally becomes a company with "MORAL PRINCIPLES"???

Technically true, though - if you define "protecting next-quarter profits" and "not wanting every country they do business in demanding the same favors" as moral principles.

From Microsoft's chair, they have no choice but to fight this - how many non-US countries and corporations are going to subscribe to Office365 and other MS-cloud services if it's publicly known that MS will give your information to a foreign government?

Comment Re:"Accidentally" (Score 2) 455

On the other hand, anyone who works in store is probably under surveillance all day. I'm an office drone and there's a camera looking at me right now. Plenty of far less critical jobs are expected to deal with being filmed throughout their work shift.

So, why shouldn't cops - who are given the ability to use lethal force - be expected to work under the same surveillance that the guy flipping burgers for minimum wage does?

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