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Comment Re:GET READY.... (Score 1) 242

I look at the facts. I can't help he's always played bad characters who are angry and love to shout. It has nothing to do with the "type" of role, it's how the character is portrayed. Alan Rickman may have played many villains, but they were all quite different and unique. That's because Alan Rickman is a fantastic actor. I've yet to see any variation in the personality of Capaldi's characters - which is what I clearly stated from the very beginning. THAT is why I'm disappointed in Capaldi - because his previous work does not show any talent at portraying different characters, he merely portrays the same character saying different lines in different locations.

If they wanted a 50-something year old Scottish man, they should have chosen Robert Carlyle - he's proven himself to be capable of a range of emotions and personalities.

Comment Re:GET READY.... (Score 1) 242

When someone is always "acting" the same character in every role, I don't view it as acting, I view it as it being their real personality and they merely recite lines that are written. As much as I love Zooey Deschanel, she's not a great actress - she's always the exact same character just saying different lines. Peter Capaldi seems to be the same from everything I've seen him in. Sorry, but I don't want a Doctor that is just a grumpy old guy screaming and cussing at everyone without any heart or emotion other than anger. Sure, it might be funny for a scene or two, but after that it's just destroying the show.

Comment Re:GET READY.... (Score 1) 242

You mean him routinely being an asshole? Sorry, but when someone plays a jerk in almost every role, I stop believing that it's the role and start believing it's the actor. THAT is why I'm against Capaldi - not because he's old, frail looking, etc but because everything I've ever seen him in, he was such a colossal dick that I just wanted to punch him in the face the entire time.

Comment Re:Something to point out (Score 0) 178

When its circulation is only about 1.5 million in a nation of 315 million, yes, it is extremist. It focuses on the view of a small portion of inner city liberals and ignores the rest of the nation. I'm sorry that I have to say it again, but you don't have a damn clue what you're talking about because as you pointed out in your first comment you don't live here and thus do not know the culture.

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