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Comment Re:Useless for budget scientific computing (Score 4, Insightful) 110

I was at the keynote at GTC this morning and it really depends on what you are doing. If you want to do numerical simulation, it is not very useful because double precision performance is terrible. But if you do data mining, you mostly care about bandwidth and single precision performance. And then 12GB isn't too much. Actually I find it still a bit on the low side. Intel Xeon Phi are featuring 16GB this days. And in the realm of data analysis fitting the data on the accelerator is what make the difference ebetween the accelerator is great and the accelerator is useless.

Comment Re:While publish or perish has problems... (Score 2) 112

Of course we are publishing more. We are pushed to publish, so obviously paper get forgotten. But it is not clear to me that it is a bad thing. What pulish or perish accomplished is that we are communicating more. So clearly we are communicating smaller ideas, smaller experiements, smaller contributions but we are also communicating earlier in the process.

It is frequent nowadays that one idea is spinned into 3 papers, one preliminary workshop, one conference and one journal. Clearly once the journal is published, the workshop and conference version will not receive much citation. But does that mean that they were not useful? The citation they got mean that some people read these papers and that the knowdledge/insight contained in them was spread. This might not be a bad thing.

Now, if you were using number of publication/citation as a metric of how good people have, the metric is probably ruined now. But that was a terrible metric to being with.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 44

I am a university professor and I do not think it is going to worsen it.

Those that don't have other access to higher education will certainly learn from it.
Those who have access to higher education now have a new type of resources that they can use to learn.

Those that will skip classes and say "I'll watch the video the week before the exam" or "I don't need to learn it, there is a video about it" will certainly suffer from MOOCs. But clearly they weren't ready to put the effort necessary in learning the material, so they were not going to learn.

Comment Re:So they are doing what? (Score 1) 509

This has nothing to do with the topic of conversation.

Your signature say "Repel the 17th amendment today". I assume you are talking about the amendment to the US constitution which gives 2 senators to each state.

What is the rationale for repeling it? Is it to get a representation proportional to the population instead of a flattening per state?

I was under the impression that the house of representative was elected proportional to the population and that the senate was elected proportional to the states. And that gives a balance of power between population and states.

Any insight?

Comment Re:Freedom of expression (Score 5, Insightful) 1350

I am not offended by their murder, I am outraged by it. I used to read Charlie Hebdo when I was living in France. The death of these journalists, artists, policemen sadens me. The people responsible need to be found and jailed for life as is the penalty for first degree murder under french law, after proper judicial process.

But let's be realistic. Terrorism of pretty much anykind is only a minor nuisance in the western world (not sure about the rest of the world). But we talk a lot about it because it appears random and it appeals to our deepest fear: the collapse of society.

But we need to make the difference between the terrorist and the group they claim to make their act for. When the IRA was very active in the 90s, I did not blame the Irish people. When the FLNC was active, I did not blame the people of Corsica. When the "army of god" bombed the abortion clinics in the 90's, I did not blame the Christians.

Fanatics are a problem. They must be stopped. Islam, like all religions, is defined by the belief of those that follow it.

Comment Re:Warmth (Score 1) 234

I don't know in the UK, But most heating systems I saw in the US are terrible. Typically based on air conditionning with a single thermostat placed right over the main air arrival. Which means that if you set it to 70F, you get 70F at the center of the house and a gradient of temperature toward the walls and windows. And when it is 20F outside, you feel your pain. Also the thermostat is often ancient which means that the accuracy of the things has certainly decrease significantly over the years...

My mother in law still has not understood that and insist her house to be set at 65F. except that by the window, it is closer to 50F.

Comment Re:Embarrassingly Parallel (Score 1) 55

The main interest of Hadoop is that it makes it easy to do out of core computation if the computations are loosely coupled and are mostly IO-bound. For anything else, Hadoop is probably not the right tool and is overhyped and typically inefficient.

Comment Re:Let me be the first to say... (Score 4, Interesting) 150

except the nearest bus station is not the world.

I am actually not sure how TFA comes to the conclusion that spanish would be a good second language. The question should be "assuming I already speak English, which second language should I speak." If 95% (pulled out of a hat) of spanish speakers also speak english, then learning spanish might not actually allow you to reach much more people.

Comment Re:$1tr question--Why is all this Internet-facing? (Score 3) 528

Well, it is probably linked to the fact most of these companies are international companies with employees all over the world needing some form of interaction with the data.

If you really want to get an internal network that is disconnected from the internet, it means that you will need an army of monkey copying data using memory sticks to feed the data bank and bringing reports back to the employee that needs it. And that induces super high latency in the system.

The problem seems difficult to me. Completely isolated networks might have an unreasonnable operational cost. (Though a massive data breach might just be as bad.)

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