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Comment love/hate relationships with templates (Score 1) 427

Dear Prof. Stroustrup,

Writing templated C++ code has become one of my favorite way to write abstract algorithms in an efficient (runtime wise) way mostly because it not alone allows to know types at compile time, but also some values. Yet programming templates is nightmare because the template system is compile-time duck-typed. How can that system be made better? Concepts were proposed for integration in the C++ norm but got pulled back. Yet it seems they are essentially what is required. Will template programming ever improve?


Comment Re:This is going to end so well for them! (Score 3) 147

I am an unlimited 4g lte customer of t-mobile. And when I asked what unlimited meant, the seller told me exactly what it meant. unlimited up to 2GB per month (which is a lot, I never reached it), then throttled down to a slower speed which still allows you to check emails and navigate.

I even frequently use my phone as an internet acecss point for my computer. But I don't dump the web when I do so. So it never was a problem. The only people that reach the throtling are pretty much people that explicitely try to push the limit and know very well they are not supposed to. If you are smart enough to route P2P application through your phone network to use the "unlimited" internet, you are probably smart enough to know what unlimited actually means. So yeah, I get it, companies are misrepresenting, but does anybody actually get tricked by that?

Comment Re:all of them then? (Score 1) 79

I'd like to see the precise rules (but too lazy to RTFA now). There are many non-english words that can be highly confusing. In french "telephone" is "téléphone" which could be though as a way to trick users. Also turkish have a dotless i, I would not be surprised it appears in words with similar spelling in english.

Comment Re:From a non-driver perspective (Score 2) 218

I looked at these numbers as well, and they look like BS to me as well. But anyway comparing the cost of Uber to the cost of an SUV seems unreasonnable to begin with. If you are driving so much over the course of years AND your can deal with not having a car at all. Then why the hell are you driving an SUV to begin with?
Switching to a compact would probably cut gas expenses by 2 and the car is likely to be much cheaper as well, which means less investment and replacement and lower insurance.

The story from GP reads like "I used to buy $200 of grocery per day. But now I save a lot of money by eating at the restaurant for only $60 per day. On top of that, I do not prepare the food, so I can read the NYT in the mean time."

Comment Re:Sorry to tell you... (Score 1) 544

I am pretty sure the market still exist. It is just much smaller. A changed phone a couple month ago because my previous phone (with slide out keyboard) died on me. I search for a replacement and could not find one. But when asking at my local store the girl told me I was the second guy looking for one with week.

Making a phone with an hardware keyboard would certainly be much more expensive now than it was before (relatively to current phone market prices). Now the question is how much more expensive ? And do people that want a slide out keyboard REALLY want one.

Comment Re:I WAS THERE. IT'S ALL TRUE. (Score 1) 250

Nice of you to offer your knowledge! A few question since I did not know about that effort.
1/ Was a local ISP ever created?
2/ What would be your advice in creating a local (either city funded or privately funded) ISP?
3/ Are there other communities that managed to pull it of?
4/ A major argument at the time appeared to be that a tax-payer funded ISP was anti-competitive, is there a easy way around it? What about one time city grants to fund a non profit?

Thanks for your expertise!

Comment not sure it is worth it (Score 1) 550

I am actually thinking about doing lasik. I'll certainly take an appointment this year to ask some questions.

-Is this really permanent?
-I heard that near sightedness helps with Presbyopia at a later age. Isn't fixing near sightedness trading for an earlier Presbyopia?
-What are the actual risks?
-How does it interact with other sight ailment (such as color-blindness)
-I heard of people that still need to wear glasses because their eyes are too dry. Will that happen to me?

Comment Re:Incomplete data (Score 1) 174

There are lots of missing data from that article. Do we have access to the actual survey? It seems very biaised.

If I become a high school math teacher, I am not holding a STEM position. But clearly I am using my training. Same goes with any kind of teaching job. It is very likely that these people are actually using their training.

If I manage at a non-STEM business, that does not mean that I do not manage STEM workers.

Counting business/finance as non STEM worker is ridiculous. Finance companies have been hiring math and CS PhD for years. Likely they are also hiring college graduates as well.

Comment Re:Not fungible (Score 1) 529

Well, actually there is already something like that. To hire an H1-B, I believe you have to pay her more than the national average in that category of worker. So I guess there are ways to cheat that a little, but I am not sure how big an impact this has. I recently got a job and have many friend that are looking for jobs or just found one (some H1B's some not). It seems the companies don't care much about the fine details of the salaries once they find the skills they wants.

Here is the exact text from department of labor.
"Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment â" whichever is greater. "

Comment Re:h1b going first? (Score 1) 383

I know this is against the thought-stream, but the H1B are likely to be most recently employed (lifespan of an H1B visa is 3 or 6 years). So I'd say they are more likely to be well aligned with the company strategy. I expect them not to be layed-off because they are probably not in the sections of the company that needs to be shrunk.

Comment Re:Translation: Slash 18K jobs, apply for 18K H-1B (Score 2) 383

I am a foreign worker under H1B and currently in the process of applying for PERM. I don't know how other places are doing, but where I work (a US university) all these forms are posted on the boards of the building. They are right there for anybody to see AND complain if they think something is wrong or the position is unnecessary.

I know many H1B and they are not underpaid compared to the other people in the same company.

In this story, they are mostly firing assembly line workers from nokia it seems. Do you really believe they will manage to get an H1B to do that kind of job? I hardly think so.

Comment Re:Probably because of French entitlements (Score 1) 309

You are really clueles aren't you?

France enacted the 35 hours a week policy because data showed that production would go up. And indeed it went up. Because employees are less tired they work better. Here, in NC, I have student working 50 hours a week, except they don't do shit for 20 of these hours becasue they are exhausted. I keep pushing them going home and getting some rest.

Things are expensive in France for two reason. The first one is the cost of living which drives salaries up (otherwise people can not afford rent) and prices up (otherwise the store can not pay its rent).
The second one is the massive unemployment rate. There are 43 million people between 15 and 64, but only 27 millions of these people are actually working. There is an official unemployement rate of 10% because 13 million of these people are not counted as active, mostly because they have been pushed to change their official status. But the real unemployement rate is closer to the 30%.
Now I agree that conservative labor laws are part of that problem. But working time is definitively not the issue. One of the problem is the difficulty to get rid of an employee hired under an "undefined length contract" (CDI). It is so difficult to get rid of them that businesses are very reluctant to employing anybody. This drove short term contracts and lack of retention of skills in businesses.

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