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Comment Re:About time with dynamic PM (Score 1) 70

I believe it was Sony who submitted the 150 patches to the video driver for ATI cards a few weeks ago and I, like you, was very happy that they included DPM. Without it, my laptop would overheat playing solitaire and it was quite loud all the time. Since I could never get the Low Profile to work properly, I always had to switch to the propietary ATI drivers, which are quite retarded. Hell, it wants me to restart X every time I change my (dual) screen configuration!

I'm surprised the patches were accepted into this version of the kernel, though. I thought I'd have to wait until the next one.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 2) 365

Well, I had never heard of Charles Lindbergh before. I'm in no way a cross section of everything except myself, but as for google results, Amelia Earhart has 52,000,000 while Charles Lindbergh has 700,000.

Using quotes (which should reduce the results for both), google yields 5.8 million for Amelia Earhart, 2.6 million for Charles Lindbergh.

Let me add a couple of names who get lower results than Amelia Earhart (using quotes): Chuck Yeager and the freaking Wright Brothers.

Comment I don't understand (Score 3, Insightful) 175

I just don't get it. How will this help? It's not that people can't generate random paswords (see, here's one: !wef112SFAWffx9). It's just that they can't be bothered to even try to remember such things. People choose "1234" because they don't want to make the effort to remember long, complicated passwords. So what does this tool by google accomplish?

Now, the article is not clear about it, but I think there's gonna be a chrome-embedded tool to manage all passwords. While this is cool, kde and gnome already do it by default in ubuntu (and I assume in other distros that use them). I don't know about windows, but there should be one or two around. If there aren't (or if you really like chrome and wish to grant it control over your passwords), I just don't see how having a explorer-specific tool to manage passwords is a particularly good idea. A OS-wide password manager is much better, like the aforementioned kde and gnome implementations, because it works with whatever you're using, not just your choice of internet navigation software.

Here's an idea: make a piece of software that doesn't even try to create great random passwords that are very difficult to crack with a computer. Instead, make it create simple passwords that are just a string of dictionary words, easy to remember by a person, hard to guess by another person and, since it's a string of words (and not just the one), hard to crack with a computer.

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