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Comment The Drama of the Gifted Child (Alice Miller) (Score 1) 402

comes to mind...

I forgot the name, but he claimed that highly-above intellectual capacities are usually the result of childhood-trauma. Maybe just bullshit, but strangely the "childhood" section of "great persons" in wikipedia usually are quite "interesting" with that perspective... but if you look for something, you will usually find something.

Comment Re:Several reasons (Score 1) 1004

It should be: "They are the best and their methods are unconventional", extraordinary doesn't capture it at all (exceptionally is worse). It's somewhat closer, particularly with the right tone of voice (think bit of a pause before it and a somewhat amused, unsure expresion) on außergewöhnlich.

ahem? you are picking on the wrong thing... you are arguing about the back translation from the wrong German translation. "they specialize in the ridiculous" (the Original!) does not in anyway mean "their methods are ...". also my problem is less with the translation itself, but on the fact that if you want to watch the original English version it is way more problems and troubles. Basically, the translation is forced upon you. The only way - besides piracy - you buy it on DVD (delay time unit: years), sometimes even iTunes has only the German version. Usually quite a few people write about that in feedback commentary in the iTunes shop.

Comment Re:Several reasons (Score 1) 1004

Never mind the bad translations. What about the sterile sound quality of the dub and how it totally obliterates the emotional content of the actor's performance? Why does it have to sound like it is spoken by some bored dude sitting in a studio?! Oh, wait. Right. And then there's the disconnect between the visual and auditory sensory perception, i.e. the words are not synced to lip movements.

different tastes/different perception I guess, I am more on the content side, you are probably more on the auditory/visual perception side. I never realized the out of lip sync back in the days, when I only had German translations. Nowadays, I avoid German versions like the plague, we even drove about 120 km in one direction "just" to see Iron Sky in English and not in German. I probably have to pay close attention to get the out-of-sync lip movement, but I know for a lot of people it's just awful.

Comment Re:Several reasons (Score 1) 1004

In my country the delay would probably be around a year plus there's a good chance that we'd have to watch a poorly dubbed German version instead of the original

exactly! German translations usually are bad, not funny and sometimes it becomes just total bullshit, here a normal example:
"they are the best and they specialize in the ridiculous" (English Trailer about 1:30)
"sie sind die besten und ihre Methoden sind außergewöhnlich" (Germain Trailer 1:30)
now let's translate that German line back into English:
my translation: "they are the best and their methods are extraordinary"
google translate: "they are the best and their methods are exceptionally"


Submission + - EU Court: Programming Languages Not Copyrightable (

itwbennett writes: "The European Court of Justice ruled on Wednesday that the functionality of a computer program and the programming language it is written in cannot be protected by copyright. In its ruling on a a case brought by SAS Institute against World Programming Limited (WPL), the court said that 'the purchaser of a license for a program is entitled, as a rule, to observe, study or test its functioning so as to determine the ideas and principles which underlie that program.'"

Comment I taught in schools in Ecuador for a few months... (Score 3, Informative) 274

... this doesn't come as a surprise to me. Teaching in Ecuador is mostly "frontal assault", the kids are told all the time what to do. Copy that, etc. One student told me - after I quit - I was a go teacher and he liked me, because I didn't tell them all the time "copy that fast"... Basically my impression was that the schools condition the students to be "recipients of orders" ("Befehlsempfänger").Now on the one hand there is quite an authoritarian rule and on the other they just don't care too much mixed up with some totally unnecessary bureaucracy, e.g. every teacher had to sign that he arrived on that day in school and that he left, also entering the time - makes sense. But you would sign twice at once, also if I was late, it wouldn't matter I should write the time I should have been there... furthermore a teacher was running around and taking these signatures, usually interrupting the lessons by doing it...

Also I worked a bit in an Internet cafe, what you consider a power (or even normal user) in Western Europe would be an admin there...

Ecuador and Perú are quite similar. I was in the jungle region, which is probably the least "developed" one.

Comment Cold War 2.0 (Score 1) 110

Cold War 2.0 sounds like a great idea... ohhh wait... "Tried and true methods to win security from cyberattacks include international diplomacy, multilateral agreements that clarify the parameters for peaceful and hostile cyberactions and — of course — a strong offensive capability." And proxy wars ( to keep it "hot" enough... also the name fits better for the "cyber age" (puke).

Comment VolksempfÃnger 2.0? (Score 1) 250

"All VolksempfÃngers sold on the domestic market were purposely designed only to receive the Deutschlandsender and regional stations of the Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft, so as to ensure that Nazi propaganda broadcasts could readily be heard while other media, such as the BBC's European Service (now the World Service), could not." don't take my comment too seriously, I just jumped into my mind...

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