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Submission + - Nmap team releases 5 gigapixel favicon map 1

iago-vL writes: From the creators of Nmap comes the largest survey of this its kind ever performed: the favicon.ico files of over a million Web sites were scanned, compiled, and sorted to create a 5 gigapixel image, blowing their 2010 survey out of the water! It's searchable, zoomable, and incredibly fun to play with! Can you find Slashdot without cheating? (Hint: it's near Facebook)

Submission + - Nmap 6.0 Released (nmap.org)

Gerald writes: After 3 years of work Fyodor and company have released version 6.00 of the Nmap Security Scanner! The new release includes a more powerful Nmap Scripting Engine, 289 new scripts, better web scanning, full IPv6 support, the Nping packet prober, faster scans, and much more! We recommend that all current users upgrade. More info in the release notes.

Comment Re:UDP for a connection which has to -reliably- se (Score 2) 158

> It's kind of hard to do things like roaming using TCP because endpoint IPs can change.

Bullshit. With UDP you have to abstract the connection so that the source IP can change. With TCP you can do the exact same fucking thing. Close the old socket when you get a connection attempt from a new client with the right handshake.

Comment Re:Lua? (Score 1) 425

Python being the poorer choice because it is not designed to be an extension (scripting) language.

Well somebody needs to tell CCP of Eve-Online they're doing it wrong, same goes for Stackless Python project, and the authors who wrote the official Python documentation that they were wrong to document Embedding Python in Another Application. Because batrick on Slashdot said it wasn't designed for that...

If you go back to the history of Python you'll see that it wasn't originally designed with embedding in mind. As a consequence, many of its features and choices make it very difficult to do [1]. Keep drinking the Koolaid. If you hammer on a screw enough times, it will eventually sink into the wood.

[1] http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2406518&cid=37267170

Comment Re:Lua? (Score 2) 425

I just lost everything I was writing because Slashdot discarded my post when changing to plain text. I'm not going to hunt down references again. Google yourself.

Here's the rundown:

[I'm talking about the difficult in embedding Python in an application (extending the application. This is the usual domain of a scripting language.]

1) Python is huge. It is improper for small devices like FPGAs. Python weighs in at multiple megabytes.
2) Python is very difficult to sandbox.
3) It is difficult to have multiple independent Python instances running concurrently (GIL).
4) It is difficult to have multiple contexts. Python lacks proper coroutines.
5) Python is built with the extend rather than embed mindset e.g. [1].
6) Python is whitespace sensitive. It is unnecessarily difficult to write small embedded scripts or macros for your application (see WoW).
7) Python libraries make it difficult to embed in e.g. an ANSI C only environment.

[1] http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph/rant/extendit.html

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