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Comment Re:Worst Response of all Time (Score 0) 176

All of the software should be free software so that backdoors are less of a problem.

How does free software insure that a service you access doesn't have backdoors? Is it really that difficult in your mind to branch off the codebase so that the code that is freely available is different from the code that is actually used, or are you one of those a*holes that thinks throwing out "free software" is the solution to everything?

Comment Re:Books to read (Score 1) 352

Also if you are a C++ program, the original K&R C book is a good read of how to keep things simple.

I agree on the K&R C book. Also would add The C++ Standard Library by Josuttis. Although I don't know how dated it is, since the version I have dealt with C++98 (or whatever was before C++0x. I'm not much of a C++ programmer these days). I also like Beautiful Code by Oram & Wilson (small essays from programmers about beautiful code they've seen/written in different languages). K&R C book has that too. If you're interested in history, I loved Go To by Steve Lohr and The Design and Evolution of C++ by Stroustrup.

Comment Re:"Liberty-Minded"? (Score 3, Informative) 701

First. Killing people and burning shit down is illegal. Do not need different laws to prevent it.

Nice thing about jury nullifiication is that you can change that. Sure, the law might say that blowing up a church with black girls in it might be illegal, but "thankfully" no jury will convict you for it. That is, if they can get anyone to prosecute you, that is.

Comment Re:Playboy! (Score 1) 363

Does Playboy still have any good articles? I know they used to (some of the interviews were really interesting), but last time I picked up one (couple of years now), it had turned into a FHM/Maxim wannabe. Still the playmates pictures, of course, but the articles had become fluff pieces.

Comment Re:Confused. (Score 1) 270

I'm sure there are enough that I feel fairly confident in my advice to just not install Java unless you really, really need it. Which, unless you're a developer or a Minecraft addict, you really don't.

Depends on where you're from. All the banks in Norway (and I think the Nordic countries, don't know about the rest of Europe) have a common login functionality that is java applet based. Meaning if you want to do online banking (or financial transactions, since I think brokerage firms also use it for login) in Norway, you need java installed.

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