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Comment Re:Historical perspective (Score 1) 285

Actually, a kid who worked hard could make decent money, for an unskilled worker. The threat of being sent to work in the fields also inspired many a more enterprising youth to find alternative employment.

My hardest manual labor job, between years of college, was in an adobe brickyard. It was not unusual to move ten tons of bricks in a day, though that usually meant about 4 or so hours of work, after which one was spent. Stacking bricks, it was common to have fingertips mashed between bricks, which was remarkably painful. The back, of course, was constantly fatigued. While I wouldn't wish it on anyone as a career, it was a valuable learning experience many would benefit from.

Comment The classroom itself is archaic (Score 1) 352

Although it acquired a function of social education and its own social hierarchy, the classroom was primarily created as a nexus for knowledge dissemination. Greek youths would congregate at the foot of such as Plato to learn from a master. As education became more popular, schoolhouses served as focal points where knowledge could be disseminated from a learned individual to a multitude of pupils. At that point, children were sent to school for enrichment, but their labor was still valued and necessary on the family farm. Today, however, schools are warehouses for youth, as yet insufficiently skilled to be constructive in the workforce, yet an inconvenience to their working parents. Amidst this large-scale warehousing, all manner of social malignancy has evolved. Gangs, bullying, drugs are just a few of the problems that taint the academic environment. With the ability of the technology to provide access to instruction without the warehousing and its ills. will the classroom persist?

Comment Historical perspective (Score 3, Interesting) 285

Oregon is a major producer of strawberries in the U.S. Sixty years ago, most of the strawberries here were picked by local youths, as their summer jobs. In the decades that followed, the tradition of kids having manual-labor jobs fell victim to increasing affluence, changing social values, and an influx of migrant workers. A new generation of parents no longer felt it important to teach their kids the work ethic through hard, manual work. Some might argue that, if the strawberries are spoiling in the fields, it started decades ago with the spoiling of our kids.

Comment This is nothing new. (Score 2) 370

Look to the Reagan administration's "Star Wars" project. In fact, that was just the tip of the iceberg of funds misspent by that regime. After concocting outlandish scenarios of a Soviet arms buildup, admin wonks tasked the CIA with finding proof of such. The CIA came back with the observation that there was no such evidence. The administration successfully spun this as "proof" the Soviets were up to much worse than even the wonks' wildest claims, and allocated tens of billions of dollars to wasteful, unnecessary defence spending. The fall of the Soviet Union, and the release of Soviet documents, revealed the arms buildup to be a Reagan administration fantasy.

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