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Comment Re:The feature I want in a monitor is ... (Score 1) 89

a little rumba that comes out and vacuums up the crumbs from my desk and keyboard.

Make it look like an official NHL hockey puck and I'm in for 2. Or, combine a miniature Roomba with a quadracopter so it could just hover over my desk and suck up the dirt. Wait though, I guess if it's hovering it's pushing air down and all that's gonna do is blow the dust everywhere and irritate my eyes and sinuses. OK, forget that last one. But a quadracopter that could vacuum up dust (if it was physically possible) would be cool as hell, and it would prevent my cat from trying to sit on my keyboard all the time because my cat hates those miniature quadracopters. I mean hates as in wants to kill them but is too scared to do anything but run under the furniture and hiss and growl.

Wait, what about a beer & wine cooler and a little arm that would serve me a fresh one or a refill? Innovation!

Or a little quadracopter that would freshen up my drink when it sensed the fluid level in my glass got below 20%.

There's got to be something I can do with a miniature quadracopter besides terrorize my cat.

Comment Re:I have my own promise (Score 1) 574

People I didn't mention that could be honest so far as I know:
Scott Walker
Ben Carson
Rand Paul
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Bobby Jindal
George Pataki
Jim Gilmore

We can take them one at a time:

Scott Walker:


"A lot of people who go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay."

Rand Paul:

Ted Cruz:

John Kasich:

After that, the list becomes too trivial to fact-check. "George Pataki'? Really?

Comment Re:Unenforceable (Score 2) 204

The best part is, when you want to send a message to someone that cannot be forwarded and self-destructs, you first have to send it to this Dmail company's server in the cloud where it will exist forever.

And since most of the people using this "non-forwarding self-destructing message system" will be people sending threats and harassment to ex-girlfriends, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this entire thing is one big honey trap.

Comment I've had issues with the Win10 NVIDIA drivers... (Score 3, Insightful) 317

Usually the problem is something like, "it isn't giving me the newest driver" or simply the poor quality of the drivers in the first place. (For awhile there, if I clicked on the start button, it would cause my screen to reset!) And a lot of "your driver stopped responding so we turned it off, then back on again."

In some ways, I like that the drivers are being pushed to me automatically, but at the same time, if I'm doing multiple reinstalls in a single day, I've already downloaded the drivers... I don't need them to be downloaded YET AGAIN, every install...

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