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Comment LIfe existing != life arising (Score 1) 74

There are several different niches on earth where life exists in very hostile conditions. But that's not relevant to the question of life on Mars. The point is, did extremophile life arise spontaneously in such places, or did it migrate from somewhere else and gradually adapted to extreme conditions?

As far as we know, life may have a very low probability of appearing. We still don't know the exact combination of factors that led to the formation of the first living organisms, no one has ever been able to duplicate it in a laboratory.

The earth has several unique characteristics, one of them being its presence right in the middle of the habitable zone. However, the right temperature is not enough. The existence of a magnetic field is important, and plate tectonics may also be a fundamental factor, in its recycling of carbonaceous rocks that keeps the carbon dioxide in balance.

The presence of the moon could be fundamental to both the magnetic field and plate tectonics, due to the churning of the earth through tidal action. Also, ocean tides may have been a contributor to the creation of life, perhaps the concentration of soluble minerals in tidal pools were a factor. So, it could be that life will only evolve on a planet with a large moon.

Comment Disarmament (Score 1) 238

Your other choices?

It's not only that the game should not be played, the whole game need not exist anymore.

The only reason why nuclear missiles are still around is to justify the salaries and profits of the people and contractors who maintain them.

This price is too high, we could just retire all those people and let them sleep as much as they wish, at their own homes.

Comment Old Soviet joke (Score 1) 98

There was a joke in the Soviet Union that a shaving machine was displayed in a technology fair. All the man had to do was to insert his head in the machine and press a button, and the machine did the rest.

-"How amazing!", a bystander said. "Just think about this, every face has a different shape!"

-"Not after going through this machine!", the inventor replied.

Comment Re:Diet and laziness (Score 0) 707

Working towards social equality causes starvation because Stalin and Mao (and probably Pol Pot)?

Yes, when you aim for too much social equality, the end result is what Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot did.

Social equality should mean equality of opportunities, not necessarily equality of results. For instance, everyone should have access to an education, but if your ghetto culture makes your school a gang war zone, that's not a problem caused by the elite.

The problems caused by Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot came from them trying to exterminate the people who had better living standards than others because they were more honest and worked harder.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 2) 312

Clicking one of these links, stepping through that sub-process, then hitting the 'return to last position' shortcut is far faster than flicking through a printed manual.

How is clicking a menu to add a bookmark easier or faster than inserting anything that's at hand in the page?

If I want a more permanent bookmark there are a variety of stickers that I can use, using different colors or making annotations if necessary.

When I'm holding a book and need to follow two different parts at once, the best procedure is often to hold a finger in each page and alternate between them by twisting my wrist, how could any clicking be faster than that?

I need to move the mouse to a precise position, aim the pointer and click. In a tablet or similar it's even worse. I usually need to use both hands, sometimes magnifying the screen to be able to tap the exact position.

Comment AoS is object oriented (Score 1) 195

Replace "structure" with "object" and you'll see why most programmers think in terms of arrays of structures and not structures of arrays.

Anyhow, for me that shows an intrinsic limitation of object oriented languages and why C still rules strong. When you run into the limitations of the hardware, you get to a point where object oriented languages are a limiting factor in optimization.

When I started learning how to program neural networks in the 1980s, I realized that by turning object oriented programs inside out one could get orders of magnitude better performance. That's where the power of C with its flexibility in handling pointers come into play.

Instead of declaring neurons as objects containing inputs, weights, and activation values, I declared arrays of weights, inputs, and activations. That way, calculating the activation of a neuron became a dot product of an array of inputs with an array of weights. The dot product is a common operation that is well optimized in any CPU.

Comment Legal liability (Score 1) 924

The concert was completely ruined for the orchestra and the entire audience -- the profound effect of the music was lost.

That guy should face civil and criminal responsibility for his acts. You can't just go and ruin a concert that cost thousands of dollars to enact.

Considering that people had been preparing and expecting that experience for a long time, it wouldn't be too much to make him pay, let's say, $5,000 to each person in the audience plus $100,000 to the production.

Comment Re:im confused here (Score 2) 171

So nothing is stopping you, except billions of dollars of capital you don't have.

And this is where the idea of intellectual property makes sense. If someone invested billions in creating something, he's entitled to profit from that.

It's not like those billions were lying around. People worked to save money and invested it in shares of those companies, that's where the billions came from.

Comment Re:Pay for the tests (Score 1) 524

For (a trivial) example, suppose I specify that I want a program which takes two numbers, adds them and outputs the result.

If you think that example is trivial, it's obvious you've never heard of Giuseppe Peano.

For acceptance, that program should be tested to see if it implements a correct mathematical induction algorithm for addition.

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