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Comment Re:That's it (Score 1) 243

Even if that's all they are doing, they're only one lawsuit away from handing over the names of everyone who has a duplicate of that hashed file on their own account. Or any other list they are presented with. I assume the MPAA / RIAA have it in their power to hash up the top 100 downloads from TPB in any given week and go fishing for infringement on cloud services. The likes of Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft also have a good incentive to comply too since they sell content.

Of course this is an issue that could be avoided if cloud providers offered a simple way for users to enable client side encryption, not just of the content but the entire file system. Then they literally have no idea what they are storing and it's hard to see how any court could compel them to reveal it either.

Comment Re:Or endless 'vaccinations' (Score 1) 558

I didn't say it was useful that there was a scare in the first place, but that the silver lining from the debacle it is that the link between autism and vaccination was conclusively negative.

I don't know the timeline of when thimersoal was withdrawn but it's one of the whackamole talking points of antivaxxers - MMR causes autism, mercury causes autism, vaccine schedules cause autism. Due to their constant scaremongering the rates of vaccination have changed significantly that if any of those things were true, that they caused autism then it should be observable in the rates of autism. And it isn't. It still doesn't stop them producing scare stories of course.

Comment Well duh (Score 3, Informative) 243

Anyone who uploads copyright infringing content to a cloud server and entrusts it to the care of a company is an idiot. There are various ways that files could be scanned simply from looking at the filename or hash all the way through to analysis of the tag / contents / watermark.

And DropBox is probably the most benign of mainstream cloud hosts. Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft all sell content and sign voluminous contracts for the sale of said content. It's not hard to imagine that they would or could be obliged to scan for infringing content and notify the content providers when they find any.

Comment Re:Or endless 'vaccinations' (Score 3, Insightful) 558

The scare over the MMR vaccine did serve one useful purpose - it mean scientists went to considerable trouble to establish if there was a link between that vaccine or any other and did not find one. And the journalist Brian Deer shone a spotlight on Andrew Wakefield's shoddy study, unethical practices, invasive procedures and his massive conflicts of interest and eventually he was struck off.

Secondly, if there were a link, then we should expect to be able to observe it thanks to the activity of celebrity morons like Jenny McCarthy. If vaccination or the minute traces of an antimicrobial called thimerosal (a mercury compound) used in some vaccines were the cause of autism then surely it should observable in the rates of autism? After the scare, less people vaccinated and manufacturers removed thimerosal from childhood vaccines so there should have been an observable effect on autism rates. There wasn't.

Comment Re:Or endless 'vaccinations' (Score 3, Insightful) 558

Why single out vaccination? Perhaps it's air pollution, or electro magnetic interference, or artificial light bulbs, or noise / vibration, or artificial fabrics, or radon gas, or a more sedentary lifestyle, or residual chemicals from dishwashing tablets, or the age that mothers get pregnant, or the stress of daily life on mother & child, or one of thousands of other things that might affect development of a child's brain in the womb or afterwards.

Or maybe, just maybe it's a combination of factors, each bearing its own small risk and in conjunction increasing the rate. Or maybe it's simply better and more sensitive diagnoses of the condition.

One thing is certain. The link between vaccination and autism has been extensively searched for and there isn't one.

Comment Re:The Googles Translation (Score 1) 75

Waze has one good feature - it's far easier to cache maps for offline use. Happens automatically just by browsing around while online. In Google Maps you have to find the option and do it manually. Some of the "social" aspects of Waze seem pretty retarded though. I'm supposed to be driving a car, not "liking" other drivers or their traffic tips.

Comment Re:Wikipedia is not a science journal (Score 1) 517

Developing a drug from scratch would include years of research followed by multi phase, long term clinical trials. It is a vastly expensive and a high risk proposition.

But I wasn't suggesting that. A couple of million could be lobbed at a university or clinic to conduct a well designed study that compared an alt health treatment vs a placebo. If it works as well as the anecdotes would have us believe, then the result would be clear and reproducible and would ultimately legitimize it and lead to mainstream acceptance. Some large alt health companies have turnovers in the billions and the industry itself is enormous. They have deep enough pockets to fund the research.

Comment Re:Wikipedia is not a science journal (Score 5, Insightful) 517

The trouble is people who believe in alternative medicine (holistic, naturopathy, reiki, chiro etc.) think their claims are exempt from the standard of proof that applies to conventional medicine. i.e. that it be demonstrated that the outcome of a treatment is better than a placebo.

Demand evidence of this (e.g. double blinded studies) and they'll provide anecdotes. If you go to the effort of explaining why anecdotes are weak evidence and prone to confirmation bias, you'll get increasingly bizarre and unconvincing explanations why the scientific method cannot possibly test these claims. Push hard enough and inevitably the response turns into a big rant about the FDA and big pharma, about how they kill people, are suppressing natural cures etc. What you won't get at any stage is actual evidence to support their claims.

Comment Re:A lense cover (Score 1) 363

More likely Glass will find a purpose for drones working in giant warehouses fulfilling orders - go to row X and pick up item Y for order Z etc.

It reminds me a little of Segway - heralded as a social revolution that would transform the way we travel. Then it turns out that riding a segway made someone look like an asshole so it was relegated to specialist roles - oil tankers, warehouses, promenades etc.

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