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Comment Just look around you (Score 1) 281

Obesity, and general poor health leads to lower reproduction capabilities. Many want to have children, or.... "wouldn't mind", but they can't. Either they have no desire for sex, or they just can't do it, and when you look around in a western society, it's not surprising.

Nature is rough, it has no feelings. People that choose to destroy their bodies willingly (seemingly majority of the population) will become sick and non functioning, and even if they manage to get an offspring, that offspring may end up sick and non functioning, either by nurture, or if there are genetic changes due to generations of bad diet. Nature will take them out of the gene pool, eventually. It does not care.

It's extremely hard to eat healthy nowdays,and it's not just about makros (fat, protein, carbs) and the ratio of each, it's all the chemical compounds in many food store bought that prevent food from breaking down properly. Metabolic diseases are rampant in western society, nobody gives a fuck. Probably waiting for a vaccine for it.

I'm not quoting any science on this, and there's a lot of science on this. It's also common sense that do not require one to quote 40 peer reviewed scientific papers.

1. Exercise, resistance training and aerobic training at least every 2nd day, the older you get, this gets more important
2. Forget that following food exists:
  - Canned food
  - Frozen food
  - Heavily processed food, such as salamis, pepperoni, certain types of cheese, sausages, etc. Most stuff that comes in a packet and has a long shelf life
  - Sodas, fruit juices, or stimulants such as coffee or energy drinks
  - Pizzas, burgers, sandwiches (unless made at home with quality ingredients...burgers can be "healthy" if you use real cheese, home made buns, clean vegetables, grass fed high quality lean beef) and fuckn forget about french fries and coca cola. French fries are disgusting.

Most will not do this. They will become fat, then obese, and they will normalize this behavior with their children, if any, and eventually they will take themselves out of the gene pool.

The declining birth rate is just ^ effect. It already started. The nature is self correcting. Check out natality graph for any modern country, or actually for most countries... modern or not. It's going down. We reached the peak, and now are in correcting phase.

The strong survive, the weak die off.

Comment Endocrine system (Score 5, Insightful) 204

Joke comments aside, there has been significant decline in male testosterone levels (look it up, it's easy to find and I mentioned this before and quoted the relevant papers) in the past 30 years, and phtalates seem to be one of the reasons why this is as they are endocrine disruptors.

Decline in testosterone in males lead to infertility, muscular atrophy, easier to gain fat / obesity... and plethora of other issues.

But yeah... let's joke how it's all good since nobody turned into a plastic man yet.

It is possible to do something about this (finding better sources of water).

Comment Re:Can't afford a 50 thousand dollar car (Score 1) 202

> But hey, nothing like a little casual racism mixed in with extreme ignorance to make yourself look ridiculous.

The post you replied to was not racist at all. He said "even in Japan" ... actually putting Japan above the US / EU, as Japanese are known for politeness and efficiency. Why do "YOU LOT", whoever you are, have to call people racist even when the only thing they mentioned is another etnicity, and not even in derogatory way? What is actually wrong with you?
I don't know what's wrong with you, but this is what's wrong with a lot of westerners. Everything is polarized and anybody saying ANYTHING is just labeled as racist immediately... what a rotten way to live life. I pity you.

As for trains in Japan, I only been on the underground in Sapporo, it was crowded...but polite and not too bad. Still, I would rather drive my own car than chase underground stations on -7c and wait for trains, and walk on ice and snow 5 months a year. In Sapporo, it snows heavily during winter months, and daily temperatures are ~ -6c (40 f) with extremely strong Siberian winds blowing.

Anybody that says otherwise is just lying, and quite possibly virtue signalling, which is another....first world disgusting trait.

Comment Re:100% Digital is the death of Freedom (Score 2) 77

And it is going that way, and people are willing to let go of their freedom for a bit of convenience.

Combine CBDCs with a full on Chinese social credit system, or whatever west will have if/when the rulling class manage to fool people into accepting such a system, and that's it. Game over.

There's another thing about CBDCs, and that's programmable CBDCs. Here's a quote from that site:

"Programmable money is money with in-built rules and that comes with constraints for the user. With these rules, money could also be programmed to have an expiration date or be restricted for certain goods, for example. A CBDC with these restrictions would affect currency performance – and come with palpable legal implications. This would certainly influence the acceptance of CBDC."

What about rate limiting?
  - Sorry, sir, you drank a beer an hour ago... you can have one more in 5 hours 11 minutes. FOR YOUR SAFETY CITIZEN!

Or ...
  - Sorry sir, we do not approve of you using money to buy thing X because we don't like it. Your attempt to do so has been logged, and the inspection police will be on your doorstep in 5 to 10 minutes.

Yes, pretty far fetched, dystopian, but POSSIBLE if the right circumstances occur (and judging from utterly stupid reaction to covid, those circumstances do not need to be extraordinary)... and be sure that the power will abuse it. So fight any way you can for cash to be king...not that it is anymore, but at least it's around.

This is why cryptocurrencies are important, or better say maybe.. "decentralized" currency. Yes, scammers, blabla... sure, that exists... but also totalitarian fascists exist, and this cbdc shit in the wrong hands is going to be bad for everybody.

Comment Re:Decline linked to... (Score 4, Interesting) 144

It's probably all of those. What you put in your body influence your endocrine system among other things, testosterone levels are also tanking which increases risk of obesity, and decreases fertility. There are studies showing that phtalates are one of the causes, and "birth control" would definitely count as another.

It does not have to be only one thing. We're removing ourselves so far from nature, it could be accumulation of a dozen different things we replaced nature with.

Phtalates and testosterone impact study:

Comment Liberals, really (Score 0, Troll) 413

Liberals stand for freedom of speech and expression, whatever that may be. Thats how it was when i was growing up. The classical liberals.

Todays liberals are book burners and censors. Any idea that they do not agree with they want to burn it to the ground and lynch whoever came up with it, or in modern times...cancel them. Fuck that. Thats how China operates, well close to it.

Now go to chatgpt and ask it to give you a joke in style of ricky gervais.

We just call them liberals, they are fascists in disguise.

And this site is full of them, rationalizing their bullshit any which way they can. Im not american nor have i ever been there so no, im not a republican or conservatist.

Comment Interesting article UNTIL... (Score -1, Troll) 53

At the bottom of the summary:

"The researchers note that it's possible some of the crocodiles were acting out of parental concern, rather than blood lust. "Nile crocodile mothers respond to distress calls from their own young, and their attempts to bite the loudspeaker might not be as bad as they look"

"and their attempts to bite the loudspeaker might not be as bad as they look"

LOL what in the f... now even the crocs have a chance in this world of "equality". Is that what "woke" is?

Comment Depends on age (Score 4, Interesting) 86

I started playing games somewhere around 1993 on a 386, and continued playing on PCs that I owned, up until I got my first child. After that, I just don't have time ...and I choose to do other activities instead when I do have free time. I'm talking about rich story games that take days and even months to fully finish. RPGs, FPS, Strategies, Simulations, Management games. All of it. I found that lately if I start playing such games, I just can't concentrate and immerse myself into it the way I could when I was younger.

Now, I recently bought a second hand PS4. I'm "casually" enjoying it often. Games like Crash Bandicoot or Crash Bandicoot team racing... are brilliant.
Just turn the PS4 on, game starts in about 1 minute... no problems with drivers, performance issues, OS issues, compatibilities with gamepads...nothing. Just press X on the game I want, and off it goes.

If I was asked this question 10 years ago, would've voted PC. Now, it's PS4.

PC gaming is far superior in every regard except convenience, and with all the life's worries, I find more convenience to be more important to me than better graphics.

Comment sheeple (Score 1) 139

Learned that people are pretty much sheep (not learned, confirmed... happened again sometimes around 2021).

The people know it, the gov know it, the 3/4 letter agencies know it. They can do whatever the f they want, and you won't do anything. You will go to your elections and vote for them again, and again, because what else you gonna do? huh?

They are doing it right now, dunno what... but they are doing something that sheep will be outraged about in 10 years time when they find out. Same thing going to happen, probably even less simple outrage considering how pussified everyone is getting, and how used to surveilance and control everybody's getting.

I look at the young people today, and holy fuck... there's no hope until the system itself falls apart just because it reached it's lifespan.

Bad times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times.

Comment We already know (Score 1) 62

> The findings could lead to calorie-free caffeinated drinks being used to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes

I know how to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes, and I don't need to wait for this or any other study. Also, no coffee necessary.

1. Regular physical exercise
2. Basic education in nutrition (because hey... guess what? It's important *what* you eat, and when)

This is yet another attempt by humans to invent something to solve a problem in a way that require 0 physical effort. And to monetize it.

Comment Re:Success Story (Score 1) 282

> If half of mankind is overweight, it is a huge indicator of success

You must be joking. Being "well off' and not being hungry does not mean you have to be sick, and matter what "the progressives" might say, being obese means being dangerously ill, as I was too at one point.

3 years ago I was borderline obese at 220lbs, and 5'9, and had all kinds of issue at the age of 35. Finally ended up in the doctors office, and he said do something about this or you'll be dead in 10 years. Literally. I had heart issues, I had liver issues, i had gallstones, and bunch of other things... and I was 35.
The same day i joined a thai boxing gym, and i'm still going. I'm 165lbs now, I have increased my muscle mass by at least 200% and i'm down to maybe 15% body fat... .and next year it will be down to 10%.

I suffer every day for 2 hours, which I hated the first 6-7 months. Now I actually enjoy the grind, the sweat and tears. That is what it takes.

For vast majority of the people it's the lack of ability to tolerate anything unpleasant. They are addicted to joy and soft comfortable life. Binging on dumb netflix tv shows, eating donuts and chasing it down with coca cola... SUFFERING in the gym? No thanks.

Yes, it's the hormones... but guess what messes them up? BEING OBESE!
The testosterone goes down drastically, estrogen goes up... and it's HARDER to get in shape. It takes years just to get back to what normal is, and to get your hormones in balance (i'm a man, so i'm talking from a mans perspective), and then it takes few more years to actually build yourself up.
Some men have low T naturally (regardless of obesity), and those usually end up on hormone replacement therapy... very low percentage of people that have to do this, but i do recommend blood tests. I do it every 3 months to keep track of my blood sugar levels, triglycerides (fat in blood), testosterone, and general blood count.

Here's how "everybody" can get fit and not be fat, it takes 3 years.
  1. Stop eating pizza, cheeseburgers, pasta, donuts, cakes, crisps, dorritos, white bread, cakes, cookies _FOREVER_
  2. Stop drinking coca cola, pepsi, fanta, milk based drinks, FRUIT JUICES (Yes, sugar bombs with no fiber to slow down the absorbtion rate and keep insulin in check) .... get this... FOREVER
  3. Forget about mcdoanlds, burger king, wendys, arbys, subway... FOREVER

Instead aim for a nutrient dense food such as:
1. Eat animal organs (liver, heart), fish, beef and lean pork cuts (grass fed, and preferably not from massive farms that use antibiotics and hormones to fatten and torture these animals)
2. Eat eggs, yams, fruit and honey, rice is fine too as an additional source of carbohydrates.
3. Add vegetables with every meal, but check the source of the vegetables... stay away from anything that's sprayed, instead get clean organic stuff

aim for high protein, diet with decent amount of fats (good fats, not canola oil) from avocados, salmon, ghee butter...etc. and carbohydrates depending on your exercise schedule.

If you fry your food, fry in ghee, do NOT use cheap highly processed seed oils.

and most importantly... EXERCISE... every day. Get yourself to a state where you are exhausted at the end of the exercise...use up all the energy that you ingested that day, sweat out all the salt. If you don't like running, that's cool... I hated running. Find somethind that is fun for you. For me it's boxing, so that's what I'm doing.

You know how many fat obese people are going to do what I said above?
ZERO. They going to sit there and blame hormones, environment, pollution, whatever the hell it is... or they going to normalize it and say "no it's fine to be obese... you fat shaming bastard".

Now go find yourself an excuse why you going to die by the age of 55. Good luck, and don't forget to take your kid to KFC after school and eat a bucket of deep fried chicken soaking in canola oil. It's the weekend! Extra large fries please!

Comment Special ops (Score 1) 352

I don't know if it happened or not. There's not enough proof yet. However, anybody that doubts it happened just because it's the US, and US is some kind of moral and ethical leader... remember:

Illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.

Proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government:

And then the whole array of offences:

and of course, there's all the Edward Snowden & Julian Assange revelations. Or did y'all forget about that already? Not current enough?
I could go on for hours if I had desire or time to do it, but I don't.

US has a motive to do it, and the US has done WORSE things. If they knew they can get away with such things (having secret agency allies in Europe to play along), they fuckn would. Anybody that think that they would not is naive and did not pay attention.

Psyops, special ops, and black ops are a real thing, and the Anglosphere are masters at it.

Comment Re:there are lots of other costs than servers... (Score 1) 95

> Data centers, networking, peering, probably SAN or NAS, and all the PEOPLE that need to support all of that.

If you go with dedicated servers, bare metal or whatever they call them nowdays, you rent it from a DC, you don't run data centers, networking, peering, etc. by yourself, you just rent servers and the DC staff are taking care of everything else. And he's right. The price of "cloud" is ridiculously expensive. $50 a month you get 16 core amd ryzen or equivalent intel with 64 gb ram, 1 tb of ssd drive. Try getting anything comparable to that, performance wise, on amazon or anywhere else.

And that old... "you don't need IT staff to manage cloud"... yes you do, maybe not same people you would hire to do your system administration stuff, but you still need to be paying somebody.

At some point, it's possible that being "on cloud" is just not cost effective. Possible.

Comment Re:Never (Score 1) 96

> I also believe the irony is that every single person will someday understand it. When they die. But there's no way to come back and tell about it.

Actually there is. It's called DMT and the ego death effect that results from taking it is often said to be what happens when you die... so you get a glimpse of what that "feels" like.
That's why these substances are used by shamans etc. to deepen understanding of self and nature of reality.

Furthermore... the DMT is said to be produced in our brains, from wikipedia:
"Further, mRNA for the enzyme necessary for the production of DMT, INMT, are expressed in the human cerebral cortex, choroid plexus, and pineal gland, suggesting an endogenous role in the human brain."

And there's some speculations that the near death experiences that people often report are actually brain preparing to die and releases DMT to "ease" you into death.

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