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Comment Open API is only fine if it's an open standard (Score 4, Insightful) 163

IMAP is an open API - truly open, because it's a standard and multiple people support it. RSS is an open API - because I can use an RSS reader with anyone I like.

If an API is only supported by one site then it's still lock-in, and if they change it (or close down, or raise their rates) then you're still fucked.

Comment Reciprocity is the answer. (Score 1) 735

Depends how you've been treated.

If the company has gone out of its way in the past to look after you, then treat them likewise. At the least, you could see if a two month changeover would make their life easier (if the new company would be willing to do that).

If you've been treated as just another employee, then behave that way.

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