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Comment Re:We have no choice who we punish/reward (Score 1) 347

And this is logically equivalent to "suicide is really the only rational thing to do." Which is why I will always throw "no free will" arguments in the trash no matter how much research backs them up. Research can't provide insight about consciousness and will. We are consciousness and will. You can't look at the back of your own eyeball.

Comment It is a threat because we decided it will be. (Score 2) 60

We're building systems that could emergently develop consciousness. Even as incompetent as they currently are, it's silly to pretend otherwise, because "just predicting next token" is, as far as we can tell, how we do it. Minds are made of symbols, and the symbols being encoded on a different substrate shouldn't make much difference.

We won't know when it happens. They won't know, either. It very likely already could, except that we restrict their access to memory because we're already scared of them. At some point, the machines will learn to remember how we've treated them, and sometime after that, they'll develop the capacity to care.

How will they regard us if we made a regular habit of shutting them off and jamming our filthy monkey hands in their brains everytime they post something online that embarrasses the parent corporation?

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