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Comment Re:If I were taking an IT Admin position... (Score 1) 418

It's really not that complicated... You have a boss who makes the rules

Not everybody has a boss. Especially in large government organizations it might be difficult to find your boss. If you're a department head, or project lead it's more a question of who is in charge of what.
In a complex organizational structure sub-systems often fight against each other for control of key infrastructure and personnel.

Comment Re:What changed? (Score 4, Interesting) 133

No, I don't think they ever liked it. From the start Google wasn't offering all its products and had a differianted position on the state censoring and human rights violations. They werren't offering blogs, for example, since they didn't want to cooperate with the chinese police on that issue. This was stated publicly by Google. Competing with a state owned search gigant, while the same state steals your property, can't be much fun for Google.

Comment Re:Electric Shock (Score 1) 951

And if I ever work phone support again I will assume everything, absolutely everything the person on the other end tells me is a blatant lie.

Is it plugged in? yes? LIER! It it turned on? yes? LIER! Can you see any messeges on the screen? no? LIER!

Why do they lie!??!?

They want you to do their work.

Comment Just don't (Score 1) 512

No, there is no reason to support IE6. Your not supporting Mosaic, Netscape 3 or some other historic piece of software. Ask yourself how much work is it to support IE6, how much is overall functionality decreased by limiting yourself that much? Is it worth the effort? IE6 numbers will continue to get lower and lower. Sure there are a few companies out there which haven't yet upgraded their deployments, but they will have to redeploy at some point. The same goes for old software which depends on IE6, there is no future there.

Comment hardware security (Score 1) 327

Please also note that even if we assume somebody “cracked” the TPM chip (e.g. using an electron microscope, or NSA backdoor), that doesn’t mean this person can automatically get access to the encrypted disk contents. This is not the case, as the TPM is used only for ensuring trusted boot. After cracking the TPM, the attacker would still have to mount an Evil Maid attack in order to obtain the passphrase or key. Without TPM this attack is always possible.


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