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Comment Re:There would be no need... (Score 1) 337

I'd just say, straight up, that traffic infractions caused by the software are the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle, or the person the vehicle was rented/leased/loaned to. If faulty software caused the infraction, then it should be the responsibility of the owner to sue the manufacturer.

Problem solved.

Comment Personal Responsibility (Score 2) 217

Instead of taking personal responsibility for the security of their own account, they instead sue Blizzard. Blizzard CANNOT control the end user's computer (not as much as they wish they could, at least). Therefore, the security of your login credentials are the sole responsibility of the account holder. Blizzard can't keep your computer from getting infected with malware, falling for a phishing scam, or sharing your credentials with your little brother.

Comment While on the clock... (Score 1, Interesting) 111

Most emails written using a company's email system are done while on the clock. This makes these emails property of the company in my opinion.

The company I work for also required that I sign a system access agreement, which includes that anything created (including emails) are the properly of the firm, period. Doesn't matter if you're killing time between calls to write lyrics to the song, technically those lyrics belong to the company if they're written using a firm-issued computer connected to the firm's network.

Comment The Expectation of Privacy at the Workplace (Score 1) 630

This is my opinion, but when you're on the clock you have no expectation of privacy.

When you're working, you're being paid to do a job. When you work for 8 hours, you're selling your time to an employer. Your employer has every right to monitor what you're doing with the time you've sold them.

In the call center I work in, we really don't have a "Bathroom" idle code, and its pretty redundant. Instead we have codes such as Lunch, Break, System Problem, End of Day (for doing time sheet), Unavailable, Meeting, Training, etc. We're expected to take our bathroom breaks using our allotted "Break" time (which is 30 minutes over a 8 hour day) or during our Lunch. If we have to take a bathroom break and we've used all of our break time, we can use unavailable, but its heavily discouraged.

This allows the call center to maintain their SLAs by keeping their workforce accountable for their time used, which is 100% okay.

I'm very happy with the way my workplace keeps tabs on how I use my time.


Study Shows Marijuana Use In Teens Correlates To Decreasing IQ 626

retroworks writes "The BBC reports on a paper published in the U.S.'s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing a correlation between persistent, regular cannabis use and risk of lower IQ. The study finds the risk particularly correlates use of cannabis by teenagers who use the drug "four times a week year after year." The more people smoked, the greater the loss in IQ. Reviewers of the study at King's College Institute of Psychiatry states that the data and methodology are exceptional, but she also cautions that there may be another explanation, such as depression, which could lower IQ while stimulating marijuana use. The study does not mention or rule out 'nocebo' effects, i.e. just feeling stupid for spending your teens hanging out with potheads."

Comment Not wiretapping (Score 1) 486

Wiretapping requires both parties in the conversation be unaware of the recording. From what it seems, only the officer was unaware, not the man being pulled over.

This is not wiretapping. A decent defense lawyer will get this thrown out in milliseconds.

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