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Comment Re:tfa says carry-on, one-way (Score 1) 349

I often book 2 one way trips instead of a round trip since the first airline often does not have a return flight at the time I want. I like to take the red eye flight back home so I will look for the one way trip back with the best (for me) departure time. Flying out at 11 PM gives me an effective extra day at my destination.

Comment Re:These idiots remain idiotic (Score 1) 388

I don't think they care too much about what /.ers may do, I am sure at least some of them understand that technically savvy people will just route around the damage. It seems to me what they want to do is make it just difficult enough that Joe Average will shell out the bucks rather than figure out how to use Tor et al. In other words, scrapping the old 'sue 6 year olds for file sharing' approach. Instead taking a page from physical security and trying to make it just hard enough to maximize revenue.

Comment Re:When nearly all of your readers block ads... (Score 1) 156

I agree. "Malvertisement" is a real problem and I see it almost every day working in security monitoring. In the old print days the publication vetted the ads and hosted them directly. If some site went back to this model I would be happy to have ads. But when the site has no way to vet the ads and they are all hosted by other domains which are tracking me and who knows what else, I will continue to block them.

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Mystics always hope that science will some day overtake them. -- Booth Tarkington
