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Comment Re:It's been that long? (Score 2) 48

Nope, predates NSI screwed up the dates. Check with Reid who don't forget enabled BIND by paying Vixie to write it when they were both at DECWRL.How could anyhting predate the domain of the guys that wrote the code?

Comment SYMBOLICS IS NOT THE FIRST DOT COM (Score 5, Informative) 48

Everyone gets this wrong.

BIND was written at Digital when Brian Reid looked at Mockapetris spec and got Vixie to take the Berkeley B-Tree code and produce BIND.

Now what do you suppose the chances are that he didn't bother to grab How bout zero? If you guessed that, you deserve a cookie.

Reid has the nic receipt for and it predates February vs. March, NSI screwed up the dates in one of their transitions.

Ref: Brian Reid. Ask him yourself. This was explained on one of the domain mailing lists during the DNS wars.

Comment Re:Another FPS (Score 1) 225

Iâ(TM)d still play BF2 if there were any servers left for Karkand Infantry that didnâ(TM)t suck. For pure fun to play 64 man infantry only Kirkland was about the pinnacle of PvP, way better than any newer COD or BFn.

Game companies are spending way too much money on graphics and gimmicks and nothing at all on good PvP.

Good PvP requires evenly matched teams and gear in a space big enough for variety and small enough so the teams are compelled to be in contact.

You wanna see an example of a horrible PvP game, try PlanetSide 3. The teams were/are never even, you spend most of your time running around trying to find the other team, when you find them either they are massively outnumbered or you are outnumbered.

Then there are the microtransactions so someone foolish enough to blow the money can advance with no skill whatsoever.

Most COD Iâ(TM)ve played you circle endlessly in a fur ball killing and being killed, there is never any discernible point or strategy.

Seriously if you want a great game that people will want to play forever look at CS and BF2. The graphics kinda suck, BF2 is certainly buggy, but they are still pure fun to play.

Comment Re:Price Controls? (Score 0, Troll) 279

Diverting 93% of the water to grow lettuce in the desert since 1920 had nothing to do with it.

Also, ignore the arctic ice that's been increasing for three years, the antarctic ice that's always grown and hit a new record in 2014, snow in Hawaii, and the great lakes that have frozen early,and that have frozen over compete the last two years. Ignore Niagara falls that has frozen over two years in a row and ignore all the record cold around the country. Ignore the fact we kill killed half the worlds trees in the last 100 years and where we do theres drought and ignore the fact the IPCC did not admit trees ate CO2 until 2010. Ignore the fact NAS falsified the CO2 hypothesis in 2010 and ignore the fact the climate models now have 95% error.Ignore the fact corals have genes that upregulate to ignore acidification and warming and ignore the fact pollution (I'm especially looking at you big oil) has gotten worse while we're distracted by this nonsense. Ignore the fact not a single IPCC prediction ever came true.

And especially ignore NAA/NOAA when they say "there has been no warming this century"

Creation science, social science, climate science... if you have to add "science" to a word to give it legitimacy, it's not science any more than the Democratic People's republic of North Korea is a democracy. Real sciences yield natural laws to quote Feynman.

Instead, look at 01% of a country that is 2% of the world.

1) Ice

2) records:

3) Trees:

4) Coral

5) Model:
"8th December 2010 13:24 GMT - A group of top NASA and NOAA scientists say that current climate models predicting global warming are far too gloomy, and have failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise."

6) Pollution:

7) "There has been no warming this century"

Comment Notice they don't mention temprature? (Score 3, Interesting) 366

Wouldn't you expect them to say "It's gotten x degrees warmer every year" for some value of x?

Notice they stopped postings graphs of how much warmer it is? They used to.

The sum total of all harm is itemised in one paragraph: "The state of Florida is the region most susceptible to the effects of global warming in this country, according to scientists. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years."

How can the sea rise only on 30% of beaches? has a nice temperature dashboard that has all the data you can play with and graph in realtime. May I suggest you go and look at it to find out what x is? Aren't you curious?

The explanation for the 30% figure is twofold. If you'll notice, where they ripped up all the trees, erosion takes place. In the Keys, whihc they can't touch, not so much.

Also, they've been pumping groundwater out for ages. Do you think this leaves behind a great huge hole and a vacuum? No really, the land sort of sinks:

Comment Re:Good grief... (Score 1) 681

Nye is a dangerous undereducated idiot. Feynman was a scientist, Pauling was a scientist, Nye has a mech eng degree, a patent on ballet slippers, published no papers, his books were commercial efforts for Disney that had princesses on the cover and he's been a comedian for most of his life.

He reads what others write for him to present, he's a talking head who reads what he's paid to and does not abide by the principles of science.

My kids know more science than he does and he is the last person you want adjudicating anything to do with science.

Comment Re:how ? (Score 2) 324

I used to write hard drive firmware.

Here's what I would do: pull the controller board off a drive. Write a piece of software that emulates the physical drive to take it out of the equation.

You have to find a way to read the firmware. If you have to desolder a chop ad read it that's ok. Do this to many drives and eventually you'l find one of these that isn't like the other.

Now figure out what it's doing.
The firmware on those drives is not in the slightest bit complicated it's actually very straightforward.

Old SCSI drives circa late 80s is where I'd start looking.

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