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Comment Re:Stop stealing you fucking faggots (Score 1) 285

Oh shut up, you are just trying to dodge my point. Everyone who has seen a tape deck knows that it is easer to cheaply make a copy of something than copy the tape deck itself. There is a slight difference between copying a tape from a friend, or waiting till he's asleep and walking off with his stereo [please update scenario as applicable]

Therefore, in 90% of the world, copies are made in back rooms and sold in market stalls, and everyone seems to be happy with this. Note that this always includes a tiny minority of foreign offerings next to a vast majority of local ones, because despite what people think, not everyone speaks English in China. Yet we in the west have to endure a state sponsored celebrity cult that makes a tiny minority of people punch-you-in-the-cunt-ingly rich, under the guise of supporting the livelyhood poor starving unknown artists. Which one is helping themselves to more ferraris, me, or these over privileged fucks? Do you understand?

Comment Re:Stop stealing you fucking faggots (Score 1) 285

Er... actually I was using both Bill Gates and Kanye West as examples of people that actually make me sick, was that not obvious enough? And indeed I do use software and music produced for free - I even enjoy the benefit of being able to modify it, even though it is not my profession (I am in catering). Do you have some kind of point to your rant or should I just feel beaten?

Comment Re:Stop stealing you fucking faggots (Score 5, Insightful) 285

I have to laugh at the copyright fundamentalist viewpoint, having seen with my own eyes that outside of western Europe and north America, it is taken about as seriously as a Lada full of Clowns trying to qualify for a formula one race... In some places even the idea that you could have 60 quid to waste on a computer game to begin with! But carry on living in your bubble, it is obviously our god given duty to ensure that imaginary property remains obscenely over valued, so that we can continue to produce the Bill Gates'es and Kanye Wests we all so heavily depend upon in society. It must be fun to imagine how much richer you would be if everyone just played fair...

Comment Re:First hand experience (Score 3, Insightful) 219

This is a point that I think is very under-represented. I imagine a vast majority of the work people do on computers is really indifferent to the operating system being used. Most people do actual real life(tm) work, that is simply supported by a computer, where it serves the function of a glorified typewriter for purposes of simple communication. Mac, windows, linux, who cares?

The only trouble is that the people that actually are dependent on a particular system seem to be the ones that shout the loudest, sowing the seeds of uncertainty in people that would not really be that affected by a change. People are prone to waiting to see how other people fare before they jump in to anything themselves, and so no one actually changes, and Microsoft win again at charging people for something that the other guys are giving away for free!

It makes about as much sense to me as jerks who drink bottled water, but then that's another rant...(hint: you have been able to boil your own since the invention of that thing called fire)

Comment Re:Looks like a Sinclair C5 (Score 1) 201

The problem with the c5, is that it does look genuinely ugly. It looks like you are riding around in an over-sized ladies shoe. Shallow a reason it may be, no one is going to buy anything in mass numbers if it happens to make you look like a girly man. Combine that with the top speed of 15 mph and you have a recipe for complete failure that Sir Clive should have really not been stupid enough to not see.

Velomobiles on the other hand, thanks to their racing pedigree, have a bit more prestige and can actually look quite cool, at least in my opinion. It isn't all about practicality, the marketing of things like this is all in the sport. People say that they prefer cars because they are more practical, well they often seem very practical to me for keeping you comfortable in traffic jams whenever I am going past them! It is only because of car chases on tv, formula 1, nascar, rally races, and good old fashioned unattainable sports car porn like ferraris lamborghinis and porsches that cars have such an iron grip on peoples minds.

And then there is always the terrorism aspect of "what do you do when you are hit by a truck", as if it isn't the truck drivers responsibility to, you know, not frigging murder you. Make it an automatic life sentence to run over anyone on a bicycle and see how many accidents you get then!

Comment You wanker! (Score 1) 862

Where is the other half of the vid and what the fuck is the point in splitting it into two halves you utter prick? Did you have to go wee wee' s halfway through talking to Richard Dawkins or something? Are you unable to absorb information without some pretentious form of artificial suspense, and therefore busy working on the recap of the first half in order to pad the second half out, to reflect the fact that your attention span has been calibrated specifically to follow the rhythm of the show Jersey Shore?

Lots of love, The United Kingdom

Comment Re:so... (Score 1) 515

I can see where you are arguing from, but the answer to the problem is more travel, not less travel, and your opinion paints an unreasonably bleak outlook. People only become tribal when they don't know any other way. It only takes one toxic person to poison the opinion of hundreds in a stagnant pool.

Comment Re:Australia (Score 1) 1651

I visited Australia once, and I could not believe that it was mandatory to wear a helmet. Even after I got doored on the motorway. To me it is just another way for jumped up coppers to make a quick buck, and they seem to do that with delight. Cycling is supposed to be casual and safe and helmets are the antithesis of that. I should have a right to be able to get on my bike at any time of day and go anywhere without worrying if I am going to end up in hospital by some fluke, and yet everyone seems to argue that if I get run over and die, it is my fault for not having some shitty polystyrene hat on. If there are problems that make it advisable to wear a helmet, then we need to fix those problems, not just force people to wear a head condom and sweep it all under the carpet.

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