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Comment Re:Why IPv6 is broken (Score 1) 595

You are aware that any attempt to change the mandatory part of the IPv4 header would result in an incompatible header in any case, yes? So what does that mean?

It means that no matter which way you twist and turn the problem, you cannot escape the fact that in order to increase the address space of IPv4 you *must*, per *definition*, create an incompatible protocol. Which makes sense, of course. If you change a fundamental part of the protocol well, then it's not really the same protocol anymore, is it?

So instead of putting yet another band-aid on a protocol the engineers stepped back, took a long, good look at the problem and said "hey, IPv4 just can't do all the things we want it to, and since we will break compatibility anyway, let's create a new protocol that actually handles all of these edge cases we didn't see last time we designed a protocol, while we're at it!"

Comment It's not a technical problem (Score 0) 258

The problem with online voting is not a problem of technical merits. PGP already solved the digital signing bit ages ago.

The problem, instead, is how do we ensure that the vote cast was not in any way coerced?

In the current system with anonymous votes, it is very hard to force or coerce a voter to vote as one wish. Furthermore, it's more or less impossible to know which vote a certain person cast since the act of voting itself is done in secrecy. This is not so in the case of online voting.

To take an extreme example - let's say your best friend partakes in the election. How do you know that your best friend didn't vote for a particular candidate with a gun pointed at his or her face?

Comment Re:Why we use office (Score 1) 178

Not to nitpick, but OOo/LO spreadsheet is named Calc, not Gnumeric. Gnumeric is part of the Gnome project, but yeah.

File loading speed is a fair point. Since LO use ODF which is a text-based format, it will always be slower than the binary formats of MSO. This is usually not a huge issue (a few seconds more) for all but the more obnoxious data formats. And if you have a 400MB+ spreadsheet, you really *should* consider moving that data to a *real* database, but yeah...

Other than that it seems that for the three important programs (Wordprocessing, Spreadsheets, Presentation) we get:

Wordprocessing: Just about neck to neck, you need anything better go LaTeX.
Spreadsheets: MSO has a slight edge over LO.
Presentation: MSO beats LO hands down in features, but LO covers the basic premises.

Thank you, that was the kind of answer I'm looking for.

Comment Re:Why we use office (Score 1, Troll) 178

I keep hearing this "LibreOffice is great for basic tasks" thing, but whenever I ask for concrete examples people tend to avoid the subject. It covers all my basic needs, but maybe there is something I'm missing? Maybe Office got a better templating system or something I dunno...

For word processing though, I vastly prefer the OO/LO paradigm of creating an actual document structure instead of the Office way of having to mark the text and apply styling to it.

Comment Re:Star Trek gave us a future to shoot for. (Score 3, Interesting) 233

Actually Star Trek *does* touch upon the subject of religion multiple times. Religion does indeed exist - but since Star Fleet regulations does not allow religion to influence it's operations, we rarely see it manifested in the series, other than as a convenient plot device. It's just simply not a big factor of the daily life on the Enterprise.

Matter Replication and Transmutation, and by extension nearly unlimited energy, is indeed essential for a Star Trek society. When nearly everything* can be provided on an when-I-need-it basis, capitalism does not work, since capitalism require scarcity.

As for how Earth could be united in a unified secular government, well, the official explanation is that thanks to Cochrane inventing the warp drive reactor in the mid 21st century, Vulcans appeared and helped the Earth gradually prepare for their new space age. It is not unthinkable that Earth itself will be run by a single government when you have humans on around 20 000 other planets, owned by the federation coalition. And while one shouldn't underestimate humanity's ability to quarrel with each other, one should neither ignore the xenophobic effect created when outsiders show up - especially if those outsiders are far more technologicly advanced than us.

* The only thing lacking would be living matter such as pets and humans.

Comment Re:Artists paid 16 times as much for Spotify than (Score 1) 305

Sure they do, especially if customers are using the result of the work, a song in this case. If you drink lemonade from a lemonade stand, you need to pay for the drink. Making lemonade is no guarantee of income to the lemonade owner, but if he finds a customer, he needs to get paid.

Ah, the old "Unauthorized copying is theft" fallacy. No, unauthorized copying is not theft, have never been theft and won't ever be theft, no matter how much you want it to. Even SCOTUS has confirmed that in the landmark ruling Dowling vs. US, 1985.

Unauthorized copying is a violation of rights, but it is much more akin to trespassing than anything else. It's like this. Imagine there is a lake. The lake has a beach. The beach and the lake itself is public property, but all the land around it is farmlands and thus private property, so the only way to (legally) get to the beach is by air. Those darn local people though, they do not wish to hire a helicopter ride over there. They'd rather just like to walk on the outskirts of some of that private property so they can get to the lake and enjoy a nice, cozy swim in the summer heat.

These people, trespassing on the private property just in order to be able to take a dip they, in fact, are entitled to, are technicly commiting a crime - but they do not harm any land by walking over that property, and they do not disturb anyone by simply walking. Depending on where you are from, this is even legal in some countries, provided certain rules are followed.

Are these people doing something so bad that they need to serve a jail sentence or maybe even death sentence for their lawbreaking?

Comment Re:We are all copyright holders (Score 1) 78

How right you are.

That's why I believe copyright is completely outdated. It only favors the rich companies. However there do need to be some regulatio of what one can do with regards to creative works.

In short: the creator must be given some leverage against companies seeking to profit on the fruits of his/her labor. Today, copyright does the exact opposite.

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