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Comment Saw Rogue One; yeah, no thank you. (Score 1) 447

Was a lifelong SW fan. Saw the trailer for TFA and... I just didn't care. That was odd as I had continued to watch (and sometimes be frustrated with) the prequels and the Clone Wars series. TFA *looked* like Star Wars, but I just didn't care, so I never watched it.

A friend highly recommended Rogue One, which I thought initially starred the girl from TFA since they look alike at a very casual glance. It seemed like mediocre generic scifi until about 2/3 through. Neither of the two primary characters seemed to have any personality; the only ones I thought were memorable were the blind guy and his warrior buddy. Those two were fun.

The only distinct impression made by it was when the scrawny, powerless main character (I don't remember her name), bare fist punched out an armored Storm Trooper. That had me doubled over with laughter at how bad it was.

This is the movie that's supposed to be the best of the new SW. So, no thank you.

Comment Newegg alternatives? (Score 1) 149

Having just bought some things, I'm concerned, of course. Not to mention, newegg isn't remotely as good as they once were. Hell, I bought something on eBay and he shipped it two days faster and will get to me a week earlier than a similar order from newegg.

What are some good alternatives, outside of eBay and Amazon?

Submission + - PiDP-11 Released to Beta Testers

cptnapalm writes: Oscar Vermeulen's PiDP-11 front panel, modeling a PDP-11/70 in all its colorful glory, has been released to beta testers. This is Mr. Vermeulen's second DEC front panel; his PiDP-8 was released a few years ago. The PiDP-11 panel is designed to work with a Raspberry Pi running simh or, possibly, a FPGA implementation of the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11. The PDP-11 minicomputer was a tremendous success in its day. UNIX and later BSD were developed on the PDP-11, including both the creation of the C language, the pipe concept and the text editor vi. In addition to the front panel with its switches and blinkenlights, also included is a prototyping area for the possibility of adding new hardware.

Comment Re:Government Involvement (Score 1) 499

Your reading comprehension skills need improvement. The portion of the Constitution which you butchered with ellipses states that Congress shall have powers in order to do a list of rather specific things.

In addition, if you actually had a clue (which you do not), you would know that the justification accepted by the Supreme Court was the "lay and collect taxes" portion of the Constitution since the law taxes people who do not have health insurance of a sort Congress finds acceptable.

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