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Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 4, Informative) 619

NO. Cultured meat is the product of a factory. Cow meat is the product of an inhumane series of tortures inflicted on a helpless animal.

Cows have been domesticated to the point that I seriously doubt the species could survive on it's own. If it ever comes to pass that synthetic meat supplants them then I'd guess that they'd quickly become an endangered/extinct species. At that point no one will be intentionally setting aside huge pastures for them to graze in . They would become a large destructive animal that has little to no natural habitat left.

Comment Re:Don't bother (Score 1) 383

I expect Firefox 9 to come out when clicking the submit button for this comment.../quote

Actually I thought Slashdot was a little slow with this story. I was prompted about the update earlier today and installed it w/o restarting Firefox. After installing a program that needed the computer to be restarted, I finally shutdown Firefox. Then some time later This story came up on Slashdot. Perhaps they should change the tag line from "News for nerds..." to "History for nerds..."

Comment Re:Midwest Born and Raised (Score 1) 292

To us Midwesterners, the "snowstorm" looks more like a light dusting.

Call me when you have trees collapsing under the weight of ice.

OK, what number should I call you at? Virtually all of the tree in this area still had their leaves on them. This gave the wet heavy snow an awful lot of surface area to stick to. Almost every street has huge branches broken off or trees that collapsed. Personally, all of my trees held up, so I was unaffected. My neighbor has three very large branches down in his yard and another neighbor across the street has a tree that split in half. We only had 5 inches of snow here, I don't think the amount of snowfall is the relevant factor. So can I call that number collect? ;-)

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 776

How many more lines are left on the list?
We've got past the "it's not warming at all" stage.
So next up is "it may be warming, but it's not us" then "ok, it's us, but we can't/shouldn't do anything about it" and eventually "it was us but it's too late." What comes after that?

How do we make money off of it? That's what most conservatives have been thinking for quite a while now. Consider the prices of agricultural land as an indicator.

And what many liberals have already been making money off of for some time now. Consider carbon credits. Scumbags will always find a way to cash in on a crisis no matter which side of the aisle they are on, or between.

Comment 23!?! (Score 1) 572

This can't be a coincidence. If you convert 147 to hex you get 93. You can then subtract the 50 (the number of strips on the American flag) from 93 (decimal) and you have 43. Then subtract 20 (This number is represented in Hebrew by the letter caph, in form of opened hand, to seize and hold.) and you get 23! See, the Illuminati are real! ;-)

Comment Re:Hogel? (Score 1) 191

My understanding is that Hogel is just a Voxel with additional information - specifically, information about how it should appear from different viewing angles. For example, making a building "hide" behind another building, rather than being fully translucent, would require Hogels, not just Voxels.

Voxels are also used in 3D medical imaging such as CT and MRI. There's more than spacial location attached to those. Information is encoded to allow for programs to know what type of material was imaged. This allows the user to remove skeletal structures from the image. By doing this you can change (on the fly) if a structure is transparent, translucent, or opaque. I'm not sure I see how this is different.

Comment Re:4D already exists... (Score 1) 191

"4D" is 3D with certain immersive effects, such as moving seats, a spray of water to simulate being splashed, something in the chair that simulates something touching you from behind, etc. One that I've seen has a rubber hose that they shoot out between your feet to simulate a snake crawling under you.

Length, Width, Depth, Time... Moving seats/water spray/"a rubber hose that they shoot out between your feet to simulate a snake crawling under you."

I guess I am getting old when, "a rubber hose that they shoot out between your feet to simulate a snake crawling under you" counts as a dimension on a "nerd" website.

Now get your motherfucking rubber-hose-snakes-dimension off my motherfucking lawn! ;-)

Comment Re:What Does This Mean? (Score 1) 414

If you memorize up to the first zero in pi, you can navigate the circumference of the universe in a perfect circle and when you get to the end of the circle (based on the digits of pi you memorized) you'll be off by less than the width of a human hair.

To put numbers on that.

pi ~= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950

The first zero in pi appears 33 digits in. Memorising digits up to this first zero gives an error of less than 10^(-32). The radius of the known universe is 4.6 * 10^10, light years, and since a light year is close to 10^16m, the radius r is about 4.6 x 10^26m

Now, the circumerence is 2 pi r, so the error will be of the order of 2 r 10^-32. With r=4.6x10^26, this gives an error of 9.2 x 10^-6 m or essentially around 10^-5m or 10 micrometers. The width of a human hair is about 100 micrometers, so no, there is no real practical purpose to calculating digits beyond this point.

Not true. Back in school I used to win free beer by betting people that I could recite Pi to 50 digits.

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