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Comment Are You Joking? (Score 3, Interesting) 182

> It is not known how the US government has determined that North Korea is the culprit

Of course it's known. The same way they established that Iraq had chemical weapons. The method is known as "because we say so".

Are you joking? I thought it was well established that there were chemical weapons in Iraq we just only found weapons designed by us, built by Europeans in factories in Iraq. And therefore the US didn't trumpet their achievements. In the case of Iraqi chemical weapons, the US established that Iraq had chemical weapons not because they said so but because Western countries had all the receipts.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

It's quite blatantly obvious that you've never deployed, much less served, in the military.
While service members take a generally libertarian view of what people are getting up to in private, the actual business of being in a military unit is surprisingly sex-free. The co-ed nature of line units is a policy decision foisted by Progressives.
There is a distinction to be drawn between racial integration, which makes massive sense, and co-ed units, which add zero (0) combat value to units.
If you took a truly anonymous survey of our military, I predict you'd find a plurality that, while freely admitting that they serve with some excellent ladies (I know I did) would still taper off their participation to a minimum. Because you Don't. Win. Wars. With. Social. Engineering.
Then again, our contemporary policy doesn't seem to be about winning wars. So keep the ladies around, I guess.

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