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Comment Re:Don't need more spectrum (Score 1) 147

I'm an EMT, there are 5 radios in my ambulance. I don't need more ways to talk to people. I need policies, documentation, good equipment, and most of all consistent interoperability training between multiple departments and jurisdictions. I really don't think the fix is more spectrum.

So, what you're really saying is that spectrum is the cowbell of medical response systems. (Oblig. SNL reference)

Comment Incorrect summary (Score 1) 1014

Venema is part of a growing cadre of Christian scholars who say they want their faith to come into the 21st century and say it's time to face facts: There was no historical Adam and Eve, no serpent, no apple, no fall that toppled man from a state of innocence.

This summary is incorrect. At least, according to the articles, Venema doesn't deny the idea of original sin. That was John Schneider, who taught theology at Calvin College. The summary is lumping all of these Christian scholars into the exact same theology.

Comment Re:Same problem here (Score 1) 619

I had a similar problem from a person who registered an Xbox Live account under my email address. I couldn't find a way to contact the person, so after several months of getting his Xbox ads, I decided to log into his account and contact his friends to tell him to change his email address. (Probably not a smart idea.) That didn't work. After over a year, I finally got frustrated enough that on April Fools' Day (2011), I logged into his account and changed his avatar from a "lolz im so cool look at ma slipknot shrt n shades" to "elf fairy toddler wearing flower bell-bottoms". You would have thought that he would have got the hint after having to reset his avatar 3 times in the middle of his game, but he still didn't change his info.

In the end, I just set a filter to trash his messages. Moral of the story, it's not worth tracking down 95% of these problems.

Comment Re:I am a Silverlight Developer (Score 1) 580

Now, you may think that's insane, but what we wanted to deliver was a very rich user experience over the web that was cross platform.

Moonlight is far from Silverlight in terms of compatibility. About half of the webpages I visit (for example Ryanair's route map, which used to be cross-platform) nag me to install the Silverlight (aka Moonlight) plugin. Even after installing the plugin and restarting the entire system, the Silverlight control still nags me to install Silverlight.

I have worked with Silverlight before, so I can say that it has some neat features, but its cross-platform compatibility is sad. If Microsoft really wanted to push such a tool, they would have invested more in the Moonlight to ensure that the versions of Silverlight and Moonlight matched in capability. However, any further involvement would probably have undermined their current business direction at the time.

Comment Re:Fraud (Score 1) 249

Coding the stamp to the addresses requires the user to key in the addresses, killing much of the convenience.

This is less of an inconvenience as more people are using smart phones with more functional address books. The right app could just export the address into an SMS or an encoding of the address that's understandable by the postal service. Alternately, a user could enter a postal code (and possibly a contact name) to isolate the range of the address. In the US, that could be a Zip+4, but Sweden does a similar thing with their 5 digit codes.

Comment Re:Wow, that gives me lots ideas! (Score 2) 249

* Powertools will get your stone axe sharper, quicker! * Put your horse and carriage on a freight-train for greater speed! * Sending my telegrams would be so much quicker if I could just order them from my iPhone!

Until e-Cards become popular for birthdays (fat chance) and contracts are completely digitized, snail mail isn't going anywhere and thus this isn't a bad idea.

Comment Re:Fraud (Score 1) 249

Just wait until a postman copies the code to a package of his own, and just destroys the original package.

If I were designing such as system, I would encode the string with information about the end address, the timestamp of the text message, the identity of the sender (based on text messaging registration and phone number), and the ID of the transaction. If the "stamp" is unique to the transaction and sender/recipient, then I think that it would be fairly difficult to spoof (unless you had the person's SIM card).

Overall, I think it's an interesting alternative to stamps.

Comment Re:Just Use Google Translate or something (Score 1) 159

My wife is a surgical resident. While she speaks a number of languages such that she has not had a language barrier problem, one of her coworkers only knows English. He has something on his iPhone (IIRC, one of the Google apps + the ability to have the iPhone read things out loud + the iPhone's voice recognition) that he uses. Apparently it works quite well. He speaks into it in English, it translates to Spanish, and the iPhone speaks the Spanish. His patient can speak Spanish into it, translate to English, and so on.

For simple things like "where does it hurt?" or "have you had any diarrhea?" it is reported to work well for him.

I am doing research in this kind of machine translation. Unfortunately, it is not ready for widespread use in medical offices at this point in time and can invite lawsuits. Usually translation systems need to be trained to a specific domain (medical, business, etc), because there are many ambiguities in translation. The typical (and state-of-the-art) approach is statistical machine translation, but it still suffers some flaws, because decoding has a running time in NP. There are many heuristics that are used now to speed up translation, but they don't guarantee a perfect (or correct) translation. While MT has made a lot of progress over the past few years, it's going to take some time to prove its accuracy before it is used in a place where a misdiagnosis (or a misinterpreted diagnosis) can invite a lawsuit.

Comment Re:Depends... (Score 3, Interesting) 244

Unless you want to go (you don't sound like it), tell your prof you can't afford it. If s/he really wants you to go, let them find the money for it.

Agreed. Universities are usually willing to sponsor students who submit their work to conferences if the work is of exceptional value because they improve the reputation of the university in the research world. So if you can get a free (or cheap) way to go to Utah and represent your university, you'll also get the chance to network with companies or research institutions that could benefit your career. It never hurts to have a publication on your CV -- even in the business world.

Comment Not just telling symptoms (Score 1) 159

But if you move to a country, then you should speak enough of a language to at least tell your symptoms to a doctor. If you don't, you deserve what you get, plain and simple

Telling your symptoms is probably the easiest part of communicating with a doctor in a foreign language. The hard part is understanding their reply. Machine translation in the medical field is intended to handle the more difficult parts of translation, such as explaining to the patient what's wrong. No "tourist" can be expected to know the names of all of the viruses or sicknesses they could possibly get when they go to another country. Additionally, patients need to know what their treatment options are without ambiguity so that they can make an informed decision. As an American researcher who has been studying in other countries, I know how difficult it could be when my wife had to go to the hospital.

Why would I, as an intelligent, educated technical person want Spanish as a second language (admittedly I am somewhat fluent, but I live in Texas - it's hard not to pick up some)? Why not Cantonese, Nipponese, or another language that would enable me to deal with citizens of another technologically advanced country that does a fair amount of international business? Wouldn't that serve me much better if I want to learn a foreign language?

Generally, you should learn languages that are most useful in regular day-to-day multicultural interaction. Seeing that you don't plan to lave the USA, perhaps it's not necessary for you to learn other languages. But I'm constantly impressed by Europeans I meet that speak 3-4 languages with ease and don't complain about my beginner's Italian or Dutch level.

While I think that this product is still a far cry away from what it needs to be (and far too expensive), this is a move in the right direction.

Comment Why not host a shared task instead? (Score 1) 53

There are plenty of machine translation conferences/shared tasks going on that are targeting patent translation (e.g. PatentMT - Instead of just handing this patent task to Google, why didn't the European Commission host an MT shared task and give a prize to the winner? There are a lot of decent systems being designed by universities and research laboratories, especially in Europe. Oh, well, at least the European Commission is starting to adopt machine translation.

Comment Re:Much as I love Linux .... (Score 1) 222

A fridge IMO is one of the white goods in which the KISS principal definitely should apply.

But what if your fridge could eventually adjust its temperature, based on the contents inside? Assuming that the fridge could have regulated compartments, you would no longer have to worry about your vegetables freezing while you're trying to keep your beer cold. Or, alternatively, maybe your beer doesn't have to be so cold when you're on vacation. One more way to help the average consumer save on energy costs.

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