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Comment Re:If I was cynical... (Score 1, Interesting) 277

I too have travelled Vietnam. It is a wonderful place, either traditional areas or the resort'ed areas. I agree that they are the happiest people Ive met, although that is always after they ask the same first question. "Are you American?" (No, Australian) "Good" - Then it is smiles and help all round.

Comment Re:frist (Score 1) 243

Sorry, RTA: The scientist tell us they ran out of water, therefore could not produce a slurry using clay. The writing instruments produced with this technique (today we call them crayons) were at an all time shortage, stopping the production of a 'calendar' The dissolution caused widespread panic, they did build some of the best music festival venues ever - just look at the Ballcourt in Tikal (could you imagine the speaker stacks (Drum stands) in that place!) When will the 2013 music festival, they asked. At some point, depression set in because they may never see 7/7/2077 (Mayan numerals people, please keep up = laying down, laying down, standing up, looking lower, twins laying down) which was meant to be the the be all of all music festivals. That was it, Mayans over - the current model of Maykia phone they had created could not keep up since the they used exactly 365 days for calender. People missed birthdays, dates (with girls) and funerals. Society crumbled.

Submission + - Radiation Twice Background Levels in Spinach Field (

Diamonddavej writes: Radiation at twice background levels has been found by CNN reporter Martin Savdige in a spinach field, in Chiba Prefecture Japan. The shocking discovery was made ca. 100 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

"What we found, surprised even our expert", Savdige said gravely into the TV camera. "The radiation levels here are twice the background levels that you normally should find."

However, seriously, background radiation is highly variable spatially and temporally. "Twice the background levels..." is a minute increase above the average, it is normal natural variation and it is harmless. Is this the worst example of Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) in relation to Fukushima Daiichi or is there twice as much FUD in a nearby field?


Scientists Find Tears Are the Anti-Viagra 207

An anonymous reader writes "The male test subjects didn't know what they were smelling, they were just given little vials of clear liquid and told to sniff. But when those vials contained a woman's tears (collected while she watched a sad movie), the men rated pictures of women's faces as less sexually attractive, and their saliva contained less testosterone. Is this proof that humans make and respond to pheromones? The researcher behind the study doesn't use that controversial word, but he says his findings do prove that tears contain meaningful chemical messages."

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