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Comment Re:Like whizzing in the ocean (Score 1) 88

Is that a risk? Digging back to grade 4 science here, but isn't that supposed to happen in a few billion years or so?

That's the point. It is a little difficult trying to envision us doing anything about Sol going red giant.

And imagine a Shoemaker-Levy type incident with a whole batch of space objects flying into the earth in short order. The only thing I can think of is nuts as diverters, but would there be enough? and would we want to build more as a just in case scenario?

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

Here is what Southern culture was in 1860 -- in South Carolina there were more slaves than free people. So that's it, for the MAJORITY of S. Carolina's residents their culture consisted of being enslaved. SOME of the people who weren't slaves had a pretty good life, being rich and owning other people.

Crikeys. Put like that, there is a context and rationale behind the 1% outlook. All of the seeming irrationality of the idea that most of us need to be as poor as possible, and the significant concentration of wealth in a relatively few people, and someone having the Oliver Twist like nerve to ask for "more soup please" is immediately met with howls of "class warfare!"

Kinda falls into place. It all falls into place

Comment Re:Or Stop Using Google (Score 1) 70

I have started to use for searches when I'm looking for actual articles or information. I have found that I get better results. On a Google search for some information on SaaS billing integration for example, all I got from Google were spiels from companies selling shit. No articles.

Same here. I found little of value, and when using Google, almost never want to go to the first results. So DDG is how I roll.

And they can fornicate themselves if they think they can dictate how I design my site.

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

I still want the land the Saxons stole from my British ancestors. And let's not even mention the Romans and Vikings.

Basically that's all it in a nutshell. How on earth do we determine ownership of land. Land lasts a long time, and we don't. Dynasties come and go. Sometimes terrible atrocities are committed, like the "smallpox blankets" matter.

But the fact remains, at this particular moment, that is US land.

And if the Hawaiians wish to claim native status, I would have to say unless they owned the land for all time, they are not natives. Can they prove there were no humans there ever before they arrived?

Comment Re: In other words (Score 2) 305

I imagine that even many atheists may be upset if, for example, the grave of a family member were dug up because someone wanted to build a power plant or casino or parking lot. Same deal. It's not ignorance - it's an important place to them and they don't want something built there.

Not as many as you might think. Old organic material is just that.

Comment Re:The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States (Score 2) 305

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was in fact a punitive action relative to the secessionists only, and only applied to the ten states then currently in rebellion. It is widely regarded as the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back", and was issued under the president's war powers, and thus necessarily excluded those areas not in rebellion.

You gotta explain how the ""straw that broke the camel's back"" occurred in the third year of the war.

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

They are fighting for their land, sovereignty, and culture. It's all being stripped from them day in and day out. Not 500 years ago, still today.

Now they know how Southerners feel.

Oh Noes! Wonder how your black slaves felt?

Seems a lot of "southerners" have an entitlement issue. They feel entitled to own other humans, and entitled to force their religion on others. And when they can't remove other people's rights, they claim it is removing one of their rights.

Cry me a river.

Comment Time for (Score 2) 18

My plug for the Atlantis exhibit at KSC.

If you are at all engineering minded, you will be completely blown away by it. I was rendered completely speechless for 30 seconds, and I saw people with tears in their eyes - I knew who the engineers were in the group. Even then, it's a glorius exhibit for all.

Do not miss this, just don't

Comment Re:WAT? (Score 1) 219

No pink model? And that blue enter key is a mark of the oppressive patriarchy.

Insensitive clods.

Actually, in the heyday of IBM Thinkpads, pink was the colour of choice for young boys. Chaste young ladies would often prefer light blue to signify a lack of earthly desires, until the steam-powered vibrator came and ruined it all.

Been a long long day. But darn it - I enjoyed that comment! Well done.

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