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Comment So? (Score 1) 193

This is already available in Mercs and most high end cars. You can buy one today that can "control the phone, audio and navigation by saying city names and your phonebook contacts normally" Does this add anything beyond apps? Does anyone care about anything beyond making calls, adjusting the nav, and the stereo?

Comment Re:ask a mechanic (Score 1) 672

Bad is also quite subjective. As the same mechanics their definition, and you'll get different answers again.

As an example, as reliable, well built and featured as some cars are, I would consider them bad if they weren't spirited and fun to drive.

Comment FUD. (Score 0, Troll) 188

This is overrating to call this SOPA-style. They were temporarily closed because it was being used to phish information from customers of several different banks.
This is more analogous to the police closing a business after a robbery to preserve evidence. They'll be back up soon enough, and are actually still operating under an alternate domain.

Comment Re:Start with basic customer service first. (Score 1) 155

Maybe things have changed for the worse since I last dealt with them (about 3-4 years ago).

My rationale is the cost of better service has to come from somewhere, and you know they're not going to lower their margins for it. So either prices go up across the board, or you pay for it. I'd be willing to pay, but Joe Everyman, probably not so much.

Comment Re:Seems reasonable.. (Score 1) 1271

Yes the mother may be in the wrong here. There really isn't enough detail to make a real judgment. However, the point that concerns me is how the doctors were not willing to discuss it. Is it because she only said "I don't want vaccines" without a reason, or is there more to it?

Comment Re:Seems reasonable.. (Score 5, Insightful) 1271

Generally I would agree, but it depends on where is the line drawn? I have never gotten a flu shot. Is that enough to turn me away?

The other concerning part is only in TFA though about a child who had a preexisting condition that was exacerbated by vaccines, and was still refused by several doctors without even discussing the issue.

Comment Yoda by written the subject line was (Score 1, Informative) 128

Also, from the email, it seems not to be "We won't support your Playbook because we're mean" but "We cant support it because of licensing issues."

Which makes the blog author look even more like a "I spend money at your store, how dare you not support X" over-reactionary.

Comment Re:For us non-US folk... (Score 1) 272

That's also the reason that Verizon can afford to have outrageous business practices. A lot of us have the "choice" of Verizon, or no service at home.

They know they are going to be undercut by other carriers in populous areas, so they overcharge the customers that they cannot lose.

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