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Comment Re:Definitely not the least used key (Score 1) 698

I don't use the SysRq key too often, but when I'm working with a kernel that's having issues those magic system request combos become really useful.

I've also become aware that the Pause/Break key is used in the windows command prompt. (I recently had the unfortunate experience of creating a python/django application on windows...)

Comment I hate bloatware as much as the next person... (Score 1) 84

...but is this something that should be sued over? It's not like the bloatware is harming anyone; it's just freaking annoying.

I feel a company should have the right to choose whether or not to put bloatware on its devices, just like I have a right to avoid purchasing from that company because they're being retarded.

Comment Would this kill Google? (Score 1) 237

It seems to me that this would either kill or severely wound Google. I'd assume that all of Google's services work hand in hand (search, apps, etc) to generate revenue or information needed for Google to generate more services / better the existing services.

Disclaimer: I say the above not really knowing about Google's revenue stream or any specifics really, so it's possible there's something going on that I completely missed, or don't understand.

Comment Isn't this a bit conflicting? (Score 1) 144

The article says Apple should restrict its bans to apps that have terrible functionality or a poor UI, and 'get out of the business of censorship.'

TFA explains the difference between quality control and censorship, but isn't it kindof the same thing? I understand that yes, there are differences, but why ban an app with a bad UI? Who decides whether it's good or bad?

It seems that if they're against censorship, they'd be against apple banning a third-party app (with no affiliation to apple other than being sold on an Apple market) just because it's not "quality".

Personally, I think apple should let the consumers decide what's good or bad, but it's their company, and it's their prerogative to make that decision.

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