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Comment Class interests (Score 1) 320

I know Americans' heads are so full of BS that they can't understand the roles surrounding the means of production, but there are definite class interests involved here. They're protecting the popular credibility of industrial medicine against competitors, and thus the value of their skills and their value to their corporate sponsors, against a world with new information.

You're competing for your imaginary friends with MY life. Is there any reason that you're not completely expendable as a matter of self-defense?

Comment "Believes in the free market" (Score 1) 320

outs you all as a bunch of religious crackpots who are not one damn bit better than the GOP except in your own weakened Protestant minds. (Yes, we know where scientific spiritualists got all your copy from, and we'd be laughing our asses off at you if you weren't useful to the elites and therefore dangerous.)

If you think GMOs are so great, then I expect you'll announce your opposition to gene and plant patents so that the technology is not subordinate to the corporate structures that invent them. Otherwise, you're a shill for your class interests, thus every bit as insane and expendable as the GOP's followers.

Funny how "science" means whatever Monsanto wants it to mean this week, innit?

Comment +1, Insightful (Score 1) 269

The act of deflection is on the part of those who are posting this ZOMG RUSSIA propaganda in the MSM. But without victim blaming, it is impossible to have American Exceptionalism, a not-too-distant offshoot of Protestantism, as the secular religion, so what then? I for one will happily pee on the grave of American Exceptionalism once it is buried.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 269

You forgot the entire Republican Party. If you really believe the trappings of intellectualism or anti-intellectualism are not just the designated irreconcilable tribal grunts, you are probably too naïve to understand politics.

Comment Who needs astroturfing (Score 1) 269

when a corporate talent search firm owns the thing? You must not have noticed the shift over the past decade or so, in the slavish adherence to conventional wisdom and mainstream narratives.

For that matter, most conspiracy theory can be explained by good old high-school conformism and a shared culture among those whom we are allowed to endorse to run the place.

Comment Nothing satisfies like smug self-satisfaction (Score 1) 300

I mean, if you were more interested in delivering a just society rather than blunting the corners of the one from which you profit just enough to keep your position (and that of the downtrodden) secure within the correct order, your actions would be effective toward that end instead of the other, wouldn't it?

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