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Comment Re:Deleted (Score 1, Flamebait) 108

Uhh...if you're a feminist then it's perfectly acceptable to censor viewpoints you don't agree with. It's sexist and therefore deserves to be deleted. I honestly don't know how you call yourself a feminist and don't know this. Thankfully on campus your sisters are not as misguided as yourself. Men raise issues at their own peril.

Comment Re:His choices... (Score 0) 194

Well, it was you fuckshits who demanded "no tolerance laws" to protect the children, you know. If they showed any tolerance, it wouldn't be a zero-tolerance policy, would it? Careful what you ask for, you civilization-destroying piece of shit.

Comment Re:Self Medication (Score -1, Flamebait) 454

Medication is used to treat diseases. Feeling like a fuck-up isn't a disease, and even if it was alcohol would probably be one of the last medicines a physician would prescribe. It's the opposite of a medicine, it's a poison in fact.

I don't buy the smoking/drugs thing because hundreds of years ago (much less thousands) they didn't have pills or pot. And they didn't chew on mushrooms, either. They just had lives. So you can call it something, I call it getting drunk, but jeez medication is a pretty damn far cry no matter how many people before you parroted it.

Comment Re:All this... (Score -1, Flamebait) 142

It's because nobody monitors them. They just install a shitty commenting system and never check the comments again, ever. If they actually policed the comment sections, it wouldn't be nearly as bad.

On the other hand, I have definitely learned something from commenters. Frequently, the news leaves out important context or outright lies due to its left-wing bias, and the commenters lay out the true story. Local corruption cases especially benefit from this extra information.

Comment Re:Calm down - it's not a real prohibition (Score 2) 164

You know why Congress cut off funding to the South Vietnamese? They would be damned if Nixon would have anything positive in his legacy. They betrayed the South Vietnamese while the North still got its full funding from the Soviets. A scant few years later and the North broke the peace treaty and invaded.

Fun fact: which was worse, Richard Nixon's abuse of federal power by ordering a break-in at Democratic Party HQ, or the IRS' abuse of federal power by Lois Lerner and her henchmen? Nixon knew what he did was wrong, was about to get impeached, and had the grace to resign. Does Obama realize that what his people did was wrong?

Comment Re:New ULA anti-SpaceX campaign is apparent (Score -1) 105

No "propaganda" is necessary. All that needs to be mentioned is that the space program is nothing but a tax-funded love letter to society's high IQ groups, while nothing is left for African-Americans and Latinos. That is the most effective attack possible, which has the benefit of being 100% true. The ISS is typically 100% monoracial, when so many studies exist definitively proving the benefits of multiculturalism.

Comment Re:Too Many Women Die from "All in your head." (Score 1, Insightful) 47

How's this a "woman thing" again? The medical profession is snappy and high-handed with both sexes. They don't care about you any more than a mechanic cares about a car. But I guess to certain people everything is a male oppression dystopia because that's all they think about all day long. It is a poor witch-hunter who cannot find witches.

Comment Re:Learn to use a dictionary (Score 1) 76

Zynga didn't use the OED to rustle up an old word and give it a new life. There's no relationship between the modern usage and the OED usage. The modern usage is the result of marketing idiots endlessly verbing nouns. To pretend that it's some sort of scholarly work is ridiculous, but that's exactly what you just argued.

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