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Submission + - Truthiness in journalism is good enogh in Canada ( 1

JO_DIE_THE_STAR_F*** writes: The CRTC (Canadian FCC) has decided to change the wording in Radio/Television Regulations from

"[Media outlets are prohibited from broadcasting] any news that the licensee knows is false or misleading."


[Media outlets are prohibited from broadcasting] any news that the licensee knows is false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.

Today is the last day to comment on this so all Canadian slashdoters need to go to CRTC and oppose this amendment.

Facebook Pettion


Submission + - Dead People Scientists Keep Messing With (

An anonymous reader writes: Some historical figures are just too interesting to leave alone, even when they're supposed to be moldering in the grave. That's why medical researchers dug up Tycho Brahe, bombarded Napoleon's hair with neutrons in a nuclear reactor, and did everything they could think of to King Tut. Discover Magazine has 8 stories of delayed diagnoses and extreme postmortems.
Data Storage

Submission + - Wall Street Hedge Fund Smashes Hard Drive Evidence (

An anonymous reader writes: We all know Slashdotters love debating the best way to wipe a hard drive clean. Looks like tech-savvy Wall Street Hedge Fund managers also know the best way to do it. From the WSJ article:

"F—in' pulled the external drives apart," Mr. Longueuil told Mr. Freeman during their meeting, according to the criminal complaint. "Put 'em into four separate little baggies, and then at 2 a.m. 2 a.m. on a Friday night, I put this stuff inside my black North Face jacket, and leave the apartment and I go on like a twenty block walk around the city and try to find a, a garbage truck and threw the s—t in the back of like random garbage trucks, different garbage trucks four different garbage trucks."


Submission + - Oracle Says Google Throws Its Users Under The Bus ( 3

An anonymous reader writes: The heat is on between Oracle and Google in their patent and copyright lawsuit. Oracle's lawyers just told the court that 'Google now wants to throw its licensees and users under the bus' by refusing to be liable for every Android-based device out there. It's also about the burden of proof. Oracle has produced almost 400 pages of claim charts and other material to prove infringements based on the public codebase, but Google wants to see this for individual devices. Groklaw thinks Oracle 'saw the case as a slam dunk, and Google is not cooperating.' FOSS Patents (Florian Mueller) says Google is at the top of a billion-dollar pyramid, is projected to generate mobile advertising income to the tune of $1.3 billion next year thanks to Android, and should 'assume responsibility' and solve the problem 'for the entire ecosystem' because otherwise Oracle might sue device makers, operators, or even app developers or users.

Submission + - Microsoft Kills AutoRun in Windows (

Trailrunner7 writes: As malware authors and attackers have continued to employ the Windows AutoRun functionality to help spread their malicious creations--culminating famously in the Stuxnet worm--Microsoft has been making gradual changes to help prevent these attacks. This week the company took the major step of putting an optional fix into Windows Update that will disable AutoRun.

The company made the change Tuesday on the same day that it shipped its monthly crop of patches, and said that the change is designed to bring Windows XP and other operating systems into a more secure state by makign it harder for malware to use AutoRun as a propagation method.

The Internet

Submission + - Teksavvy busts Bell's UBB myths (

click170 writes: With the Usage Based Billing debate raging in Canada, president and chief executive of Teksavvy Rocky Gaudrault wrote a piece for the Financial Post busting Bell's myths.

Submission + - Excel vulnerable for over 6 months. ( 1

zonky writes: Zero Day Initative have just released the following to Full Disclosure. Excel 2003 & 2007 are vulnerable to remote code executition. While user interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability — in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file — the big issue is that Microsoft have known about this for over 6 months, and have failed to act.

Comment Re:Pot calling kettle black (Score 1) 596

Bad Bad analogy. This isn't about borrowing data this is about Bing stealing results to pretend it is just as good as Google at aggregating data. This is more akin to someone saying they came up with the dewey decimal system and renaming it the bjourne decimal system and when caught, you say that Melvil Dewey is a hypocrite because he was borrowing all those books in the library.

Comment Re:at least try to get it right (Score 1) 1193

I don't understand why you think this.

A company sells a product for as much profit as it can. If a company makes $1Billion a year on its products and pays 10% taxes they make 900 million.

If you drop the tax to 0% then they make $1Billion.

They do not reduce the cost of their goods by 10% so that they only make $900 million and they do not pay their employees more.

Trickle down economics is a myth.

If that is not the point you were trying to make please explain what these hidden taxes are

Comment Re:Rotate (Score 0, Troll) 1140

I have two monitors on my work computer. One is 1680X1050 and is Standard Landscape the other is 1024X1280 ie a "regular" Monitor turned 90. This isn't a difficult concept to grasp unless you are a complete moron.

At home I currently only have one monitor but if am reading a document or digital comic I turn the monitor sideways.

The first thing you need to do to become more productive is to pull your head out of your ass.

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