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Comment Is this a joke? (Score 3, Funny) 156

xbox - $199
xbox-live - $50
game - $60
game-pack - $15
controller - $50
(pre)natal - $150

This is why I only play chess. Chess is always the latest version, and you can't get fucked pricing. There use to be a time where almost every game was amazing( Think Dreamcast. Powerstone 2 anyone? ) and it wouldn't hurt your wallet too much if the damn thing were to stop working.

Comment Only useful for ebooks (Score 1) 240

This printer is only good if your printing out e-books. You could probably end this e-book reader revolution crap with this technology. Your not going to run out of ink and once your finished with a book, you can just go to amazon and pay $9 and get to printing your new book.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
