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Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 436

Considering many of the "bigger" tricks only works because 1) the audience is relatively far away from the stage and 2) have a very limited viewing angle, your comment isn't THAT false.

Comment Re:Yes but... (Score 1) 57

yes. I t runs emacs nicely, although the startup time can be a tad bit long (20-30sec in my case), depending on your .emacs . Once it's loaded it is completely useable and fast.

One of my two rpis (both are ~old~ ones with only 256MB RAM) is running apache, mysql, dovecot, postfix and bitlbee. It also has weechat (connected to bitlbee and 4 channels on #freenode) and mutt running 24/7. Additionally roundcubemail is installed. Again, depending on the amount of mails to sort and show, RCmail can be a bit slow. This is the rpi I use emacs the most on, mostly to edit config files, write mails and code a bit on side projects when bored at work.

The trick is to change the memory allocation depending on your useage. In the case of this mail server I set the mem to 240/16 as it is headless.(16MB for the GPU is apparently the absolute minimum you can allocate).

Comment Re:eBook Reader vs Tablet (Score 1) 415

Having myself both a tablet ( HP Touchpad) and an eBook Reader (Sony PRS1), there is absolutely no contest when it comes to textbooks. No matter how high the screen resolution of your tablet is, it can't beat e-ink for pure comfort. Additionally, ebook readers are generally a lot lighter and smaller than tablets. Techbooks are another matter. I have plenty of oreilly books on the reader (epub format), and whilst not bad from an handling and speed point of view, the small B/W screen is really a problem. Anyway, all this to say that Parent is clueless ...

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