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Comment Flexibility, security, privacy (Score 1) 337

Those are the things Microsoft should be focusing on to best their competitors today. Who was it who said "Hit it where they ain't"? Willie Keller I think. Apple wants lockin, Google wants data, Microsoft only wanting to sell software could be the winning move today.

Comment Have to disagree (Score 1) 421

There are so few teachers who are capable of inspiring children to learn things for themselves that it only takes a couple of weeks a year for them to learn such a basic concept that holds the reward of lifelong learning. Far too often teachers demand that students dowse their quench for knowledge by requiring them to hold to standards of education that are designed to meet the needs of the mediocre.

I wish I could convey to you how severe my frustration with an education system that rewards aceing tests with "C"'s because the required mundane homework assignments were not completed as assigned. The education system I experienced was designed to steer people towards meeting in the middle and did nothing to encourage students to succed on their own.

So how about this? Would you consider a few weeks long test out period for students who just don't want to listen to you rehashing concepts for months on end that they have already mastered in just a few days?

Comment Merriam-Webster (Score 1) 207

"Full Definition of THEFT
a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it "

I'll bet that the vast majority of those who complain that their theives took their intellectual property will discover that in fact they still in actuality have it in their possession.

Comment Re:My experience with hydrocodone... (Score 1) 511

Think of a 10 on the pain scale as absolute zero. Just like there is nothing colder there is nothing that could hurt worse. Saying your pain is an 11 is a clear sign that you are drug seeking and trying to game system that is trying to scientifically objectify a phenomanom. Computer software does not allow for charting anything higher than a 10.

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