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Comment Java is a bug (Score 1) 180

Java itself is a bug. A slow, cpu wasting bug that should be done away with. I can't stand java. Every application I have ever used that was written in Java runs 10x slower than a similar app that was designed to work on the native OS.

Comment Linux does not mix well with USB Drives (Score 1) 472

I tried using a USB hard drive to back up about 30 gigs of data from my CentOS 4.8 server. The IO wait on the system shot up to 80% and I had to kill the process since it brought the machine to a crawl and the other processes were taking forever to complete. Something as simple as copying a file to a USB drive should not cause the system to slow to a crawl and become no long functional.

Comment I can't belive it... (Score 1) 799

As a Earth Science major and having worked in the Geo-sciences arena for 20 years, I can say this article is so far off base, I can't believe it was elevated to being posted on Slashdot. There is no way possible for a Yellowstone type eruption. That is just straight up bullshit. Sure there is a significant amount of pressure, but not of volcanic proportions. This article should be redacted from the Slashdot site!

Comment Not impressed... (Score 3, Interesting) 791

I thought I was going to see a significant movement in the ice sheets, on the order of 10's or 100's of miles. From what I saw, the rate of decline was statistically meaningless, measured in mere feet. My guess is the previous administration was more concerned with releasing something that would show or capabilities of our spy satellites and not trying to conceal this.

Comment Atmospheric Denisity Problem (Score 1) 263

The atmospheric pressure at 30-40K feet is around 200 millibars, basically the air is only 20% as dense as it is at the surface (~1000 millibars). So the kinetic energy available in a 120 mph wind at 30K feet is only a small fraction of what that kind of wind is at the surface. Point being, a 100+ mph wind sounds impressive, but at that altitude the kinetic energy is much less than it is at the surface.

Comment Not Likely to stay white (Score 1) 712

It some cases this may make sense, but on large scale I see problems with it. I roof painted white, or with white shingles would, fairly quickly lose its high reflection [Albedo] as dirt/grim turns it from white to brown/black in just a couple of years. In addition, the solar insolation in areas north 40 degrees north, would have a much less of an affect.

Comment Re:JavaFX (Score 1) 541

Great, it being Java and all I guess my when I upgrade to my 32 core 4GHZ desktop, it may be just fast enough to be usable....Probably not. I have never used a program written in Java that wasn't 10x slower than a comparable program written in C. JVM is a piece of crap, that is so resource intensive, that a lot of computers (1GB or ram or less) still in use today have problems running it. I hope Java will soon be a forgotten blemish in the history of programming languages.

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