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Comment Re:Geoengineering to cool is dangerous (Score 1) 47

That's not the risk at all. There is no imminent danger of global cooling.

Of course there is not, I said that was a danger of a geoengineering effort, not currently.

Triggering an ice age is vastly more dangerous than any current warming model. No we are not near to triggering an ice age (so far as we know) but we should not encourage any geoengineering as it may well have that effect if we go too far with it.

Again, I am only speaking of potential, not current, dangers.

With the change in spin of the core we might very well see magnetic effects that change things radically. For all we know there might be cycles of ice ages directly related to changes in core spin and pole shift. If there is then the period of rapid change would include a huge extinction event because humans could not adequately cope with the rapid radical change. We have only been increasing rapidly in population as a species for 13,000 years which in terms the earth is a few seconds on the clock. Indeed another ice age just might put the breaks on the expansion of the human population.

My theory is that we are about to be replaced as the top species on the planet and our replacements will have life spans of thousands of years, be very hairy and large as well as be more bear like in stature. They will somehow quickly learn to read what we have done and learn all of our skills, perhaps they are all here already and slowly increasing in their numbers.

Either way it is certain that some survivalists with big bucks will live on for a while and perhaps even get to meet and interbreed with the super human replacements if they are deemed worthy by the hairy giants that will be the new intelligent inhabitants of the planet. But us poor lower income suckers who need fast food to survive will all perish simply by freezing and starving to death. As predicted the only safe place will be in the hills because the low areas will become toxic to most life for at least a few hundred years until all the rot and garbage is dealt with by nature.

Comment How will Greg Steube get funding from Canadians? (Score 1) 94

Poor Greg now needs all the help he can get!

As many of you have heard, I was involved in an accident on my Sarasota property Wednesday afternoon and sustained several injuries. After spending three nights in Sarasota Memorial Hospital, I am grateful to be home and recovering. All praise and glory goes to God!

Seeing that I might become a snow bird if I win the lottery, his spam mail has for the last 7 years kept me abreast of how wonderful the state of Florida is especially for Canadians who are white and rich. Not so much if we are of colour though, especially if you want to buy into a seniors gated community without getting your kids shot. It would be terrible if the weekly emails from Florida to my gmail account were blocked, how dare you do that to my inbox GOOGLE!!!

Submission + - A Sanskrit Linguistic Word Rule Finally Understood 1

deviated_prevert writes: A language rule that has eluded scholars for centuries has finally been understood and is bringing sense to ancient texts that have never been understood for exact meaning by scholars, This opens up a very great many ancient texts to a much better understanding of their meaning.

Phd. grad student Rishi Rajpopat discovered an elegant and rational solution with some out of the box thinking. Many of the ancient sanskrit texts elude correct understanding because of the miss interpretation of a language syntax rule first illuminated by the father of linguistics Panini A discovery that can easily now be written into language translation software to aid in the translation of these precious ancient texts into many languages for the first time. Volumes of some of the oldest know written history of society can now be better understood.

Comment Re:And microsoft wants to grow (Score 1) 31

To be honest, Windows 8 was faster than 7 and used less memory, on exactly the same machine. Which I noted because it was a new computer that came with 7 only a month before Windows 8, so it was easy to do the comparison. Which I really only did because of the $15 Pro version, I probably wouldn't have done it for the free Home version.

Using less memory is not a bonus contrary to popular belief otherwise why have it? The problem is assuming the user to be dumbed down and creating a GUI that does not use enough unless you tweak the registry settings and then the OS has brain farts when you shut it down because it is too busy saving user profile to pretend that it knows how you will use a particular interface the next time you open the program. Or worse saving your usage profile data in the cloud. Running off the net is even slowed down because the OS is still trying to log how you use the interface. Not the case with a well tuned Debian based Linux it shuts down 3 to 4 times faster and does not sit there doing so much poling of usage profiles to guess what you will do next. Run it lean it is fast run it with many interfaces at the same time it is almost as fast because usage profile is not being either constantly sent to the cloud or written to disk. That is why write to disk is constantly happening in the windows OS and Linux can be made to load more and run exclusively from ram and not even have a drive running except if you use a medium to save files and nothing else. The last thing that Microsoft wants is a portable OS that can run on any computer and that is why it sucks and is in reality just rental software.

Comment Re:And microsoft wants to grow (Score 1) 31

Had a friend who worked in the games industry when xbox was just barely out. He said that most wanted xbox to succeed because Sony was so big and took such a big percentage of the game's price. Granted, Xbox has gotten bigger since then, but it's still the smaller player in the market. (Microsoft should I feel put a brick wall between the Xbox and PC and stop treating them the same, or using PC as a marketing tool for Xbox.)

Generally the consumers get a better deal from the underdogs. And of course, competition is always healthy for everyone except the companies in the dominant position.

Spot on, the bullshit of having an XBOX interface in Win Pro version embedded and non removable in the UI and using the same routines necessary for game play running an internet/ intranet business GUI is ridiculous the interface design decision at Microsoft are getting stupid again to say the least. Same nonsense that made Win 8 a non starter in businesses and lost many manufacturers that rely upon windows OS to sell hardware lose millions because no one in their right mind changed from 7 desktop to an interface that couldn't make up it's mind whether or not it was a cell phone an entertainment console or a touch screen tablet. Windows still spins wheels far too much shutting down because of all the nonsense it has to write to disk to save settings to log files which is crazy. The more creature feature updates the more nonsense data seems to be included in the flow of settings for some stupid reason or other. Perhaps this is the strategy to get people off Win 10 before 2025, most likely they do the same with XBOX in the OS.

Makes me want to go back to Vista 64 sp2 which was the fastest version of windows by a long shot and shut down faster than Win 10 does on much newer and faster system bus and drives. The only thing Microsoft is really good at is making hardware seem that it is going bad with updates that do far too much disk and system bus work and most likely they do the same thing with XBOX game consoles to sell more of them. They sure suck at tablets by making them obsolete in a hurry.

Comment Re:You don't say.. (Score 1) 31

A business wants to take business away from their competition... More news at 11.

The only news would be that MS seems to be having a different angle on growth.

And the different angle is the XBOX application that is installed on the Windows OS that you cannot uninstall. Shovel crap applications down the consumers throat is what Microsoft is all about today. Edge is now even taking google add data directly from the Chrome browsing history user sandbox. Microsoft wants desperately to edge out Chrome in the browser wars. That was the only reason for using the Chrome browser engine in the first place. A bit of a twist on what happened to Netscape by making sure that updates hosed the browser engine.

Things have not changed just improved in the ability to shut our or make the internet their domain altogether. Edge for the Safari engine anyone or more fun than that Edge with a Siri interface. BARF Cortana is stupid enough as it is without having a demented talking version of Clippy suggesting how to switch to Edge on every device which in the future might be edge on Play Station as an app. Or even more fun than that Cortana on the new Linux Edge OS. Hey GOOGLE lookout Microsoft Bob is coming to get you! I have a blast with Windows putting every browser setting off default and letting them fight it out, so far Chrome is still ahead in the battle to be useful with information on all devices. Siri is a non starter along with Apple Air Play and all the other garbage that tries to take over the devices I own.

Sony well I just wish they still make decent high fi equipment and if not distribute high bit rate audio disks and movies then make digital chips of them and sell them because that is all they were really good at.

The music rental and game industry need to evolve past killing formats somehow. I want high quality DDG recordings and Angle and others and I don't want to pay to subscribe on a game console or crapola interface over internet connections only to be hit with endless advertising and never ending upgrades. Sorry but internet connected equipment just is not good enough for the purpose of high end audio listening because it is another music and video rental scam not a decent way to get the best sound or have the ability to listen anytime you wish without going through endless equipment and software updates that are not really necessary.

Comment I was wondering why cables have doubled in price (Score 1) 116

Looks like the USB C cable market is doing the Monster cable thing. Here in Canada in the box stores that sell USB C the prices have more than doubled overnight. Call it the Apple worm lemming effect which is somewhat similar to the Covid toilet paper effect. Regardless if you want a decent usb cable now it gets expensive if you need a few of them and you don't want the crap ones from 7/11 or the local gas station. Almost as bad as the HP ink jet printer cartridge protection scam, but not quite. We live in a disposable world, Madonna had it all wrong, Ballmer on the other hand is being proven right about the amount of non serviceable or barely adequate design cheap crap we will consume in the name of having the latest technology regardless of the real costs. I wonder what the future residents of the planet after we blow ourselves up will think about the techno junk we are leaving everywhere on this little planet,
We have figured out what the most of what the Antikythera mechanism did but an archaeologist of the future, if there are any, might come to some very silly conclusions about the past figuring out what a iMac with firewire or HP printer cartridge was all about when everything else was fairly easy to understand and everywhere else buried in the mountains of ancient junk on the bottom of what was once the largest ocean on the planet. Or on the shores in the east with signs of being taken apart for some reason or other.

Submission + - Twitter employee speaks freely, gets fired (theverge.com) 2

LeeLynx writes: Self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" Elon Musk has fired a Twitter engineer that corrected him on Twitter. A number of other current and former Twitter employees also weighed in on Musk's various confident, yet very incorrect, assertions about how Twitter functions. The fired engineer should not be unemployed long, as at least two potential employers posted to the discussion.

From The Verge:

The saga started on Sunday, when Musk tweeted an apology for Twitter being slow in “many countries” and implied that the poor performance is because the app does over 1,000 “poorly batched” remote procedure calls to load the home timeline — basically saying the app has to reach out to other servers a bunch of times and wait for a response for each request. Frohnhoefer, who tweeted that he’s spent six years working on Twitter for Android, quote retweeted Musk’s statement saying it was incorrect. Musk has done the same thing several times in response to news stories about his companies, but unlike those instances, Frohnhoefer actually went on to provide an explanation for why he thought his boss’s tweet was incorrect.
The conversation between Musk and Frohnhoefer is messy, spread over many threads and hours (which Twitter ironically makes difficult to see and follow). At one point, Musk asked Frohnhoefer what he had personally done to fix Twitter being slow on Android — though remember that the conversation started with Musk’s apology for it being slow in “many countries” — not on Android. But Musk’s seemingly final word on it came in response to a discussion on whether Frohnhoefer should’ve brought his concerns about the original tweet up in private on Slack rather than publicly calling Musk out. A commenter in the thread said that Musk probably doesn’t want Frohnhoefer on his team after the developer tweeted that Musk should’ve asked questions about the slowness issues privately, to which Musk replied, “He’s fired.”

Comment Re:Cost and Confidence (Score 1) 18

Most enterprises will be on Win10 LTS, which doesn't need TPM2.0.

Most enterprises have been using TPM since for over a decade and part of their purchase agreements have had all devices shipped with an optional TPM chip very much enabled in Windows 10 as well. TPM wasn't invented with Windows 11 and 8th Gen Intel CPUs.

But your point is correct and the GP is completely off base. Windows minimum system requirements go far beyond TPM. There's specific feature requirements in modern CPUs (not just TPM) that are required by Windows to enable features such as core isolation.

See your point. I guess the same issues might have been a fair part of the Itanium disasters at intel. Either that or the SCO wars with Intel bringing out a better 64 bit compiler for linux that smoked the one released for windows. Sorry I don't trust Redmond except to put a squeeze on my wallet every 5 years of so.

Comment Re:Cost and Confidence (Score 1) 18

It would be better for MS to push out repairs to independent stores. When most think right to repair, that is what they want. To be able to call around and get a competitive bid few end users can make even simple repairs themselves

So it will come down to how much MS charges to license repairs and how much the geek squad markup will be. The challenge with MS has always been sky high licensing fees. And corporate repair shops are never affordable no matter how cheap the labor.

Perfectly good i5 desktops and even more laptops that only need a minor upgrade of the TPM to 2.0 were all ditched by our governments here in Canada just so Microsoft could sell more IS software and more importantly the industry could crank out a pile of new devices to keep the tech industry afloat. So the real truth about hardware is that it is as Steve Ballmer put it "worthless".

The chickens are coming home to roost and as the cycle of "upgrade" is just about over and I doubt that governments can afford to keep up the smoke and mirrors of shelling out a butt tonne of cash to the tech industry.

The overvaluing of "intellectual property" has been one of the main causes of inflation. As bad as someone borrowing money based upon a false valuation. This cycle of insane tech greed has also caused inflation in everything because service jobs where people actually create and deliver goods have no where near kept pace with the ones that are are paid to asses in chairs. Simple. Another tech bust is inevitable as witness the past few months at Faceplant and Tweeter and the like.

Comment Re:Bueller, Bueller? (Score 2) 289

The problem isn't Russian's meddling and American politics the problem is the Republican Party is actively helping them along with Donald Trump. The links between NRA funding and Russia and the Republican Party are stupidly obvious and the only reason why we're not throwing people in jail for sedition is because we're too afraid to because Republican party is full of nut jobs willing to throw their lives away for an orange buffoon.

Though I find it interesting how quiet Trump has been regarding Ukraine.

Right now, Putin is losing the war due to western (mostly American) weapons. And if Putin loses it's not only his leadership but his legacy that dies.

If Putin really did have major dirt / leverage on Trump I'd expect he'd have Trump going full bore politicizing support for Ukraine in order to cut off the military support. The fact that Trump hasn't been doing so makes me think that Putin doesn't actually have much leverage on him after all.

One thing you missed is the fact that Trump will not be in a political position to influence congress to stop supporting the Ukraine until tomorrow. If the election polls are correct. If there is a golden showers tape and other dirt in the hands of the FSB/KGB then you can bet that Trump will immediately become an economic isolationist and push his myrmidons to cut funding and military support to the Ukrainian peoples.

Being from Canada I can tell you that the exodus of disaffected Americans to Canada will become an issue for Trudeau the same way it did in 2016. By 2024 if Trump succeeds in regaining the presidency, Alberta might wind up calling for a referendum to separate with Canada and join the US to alleviate the problems with an influx of homeless from south of the 49th,

The rest of Canada will need to build a wall at the 49th to stop the influx of American political refugees. My suggestion is for Canada to start building the wall on the 49th immediately and get the crazy Republicans to pay for it. Enough with the left wing right wing bullshit it is a disease and Russia suffers from it the same as the rest of the world. It all comes down to the original rhetorical question in answer to "where is your brother?" Something which even the so called right wing in the US does not seem to get or understand the real meaning of the tale.

Comment Re:what's the endgame for Google? (Score 4, Insightful) 56

Stuff like this always looks fluffy and nice on first sight - but what is Google's endgame? Just cost saving? There's gotta be more to it than that.

Dolby has a lock on multichannel codecs which is utter bullshit. A 5 or 7 channel surround sound codec based upon flac is completely possible and adding it and syncing it to a video track is also possible. A competing codec for mp4 would be a good thing for the web. Even Microsoft is embracing open codecs with the inclusion of flac in the Edge browser engine to open up sound capabilities and take the idiotic restrictions off multi channel audio codecs. Now that physical DVDS and Blueray disks are dead meat it makes no sense to restrict audio and video codecs to the ones that were used on them. Mp3 is crap for surround sound even at higher bit rates restricted codecs should not become the only option for content creation. Relying on one entity to engineer sound which is distributed over the web in digital format is restrictive bullshit.

Comment Re: Methane source is interesting (Score 1) 81

Would the radiation from Thorium g penetrate very far underground? Could people survive in mines?

Simple or we need to ask the galactic council if the Vogons could move the earth instead of just pulverizing it.

As for the cave survivors only the most fertile and willing males and a higher percentage of females will help repopulate the new earth after the thorium g levels drop to a survivable level and the human race can emerge from the mines.

An adequate supply of Maga hats could help keep the aggressive males from killing each other by mistaking rivals for Dems, waring them would become mandatory and heavy fines for not wearing one would need to be enforced. Only GOP members may apply for a spot in the caves and anyone found to be a Dem would need to be booted out to die in the radiation zones.

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