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Comment Full name and birthdate can coincide (Score 4, Interesting) 88

I have a friend from high school who found out (after government department tried to pin a fine on him) that there is someone else with same full name and birthdate. Definitely not a good enough combo for primary database keys. Luckily he could prove he was out of country during period whilst the other person generated recorded activity at that government department.

Comment Re: Let The Robots Sort And Recycle It. (Score 4, Interesting) 128

Ideally all product lifecycles are designed for and have full reuse in mind, as it stands, most governments don't require single use plastics like the trillions of drink bottles each year to have a clear plan for their reuse. It's actually pretty dumb not to require at least packaging and drinks industry groups to implement a reasonable reuse of the bottle and packaging materials... As it stands it goes to the tax payer funded and run inadequate recycling and rubbish collection depots to handle with barely any feedback or cost contribution on those profiting from the packaging. In Melbourne, suburbs had to be abandoned due to the methane leaking from the "reclaimed" land where a landfill used to be.

Comment Would happily only buy direct (Score 1) 109

Steam is a horrible experience, it was kind of okay when it was just me, but once my kids started wanting access to games, I realised steam only wants to let one person play at once, meaning if someone is playing game A, someone else can't play game B. They introduced Family View, but many games the kids want to play don't let that "loan" scheme work! I'd really be better off buying directly from the game developer as long as they make it semi reasonable to play without unreasonable levels of DRM and other crap.

Comment Re: We work business could never work (Score 1) 20

You haven't been following residential property prices hey? This model, flawed or not, is very widely spread and is self fulfilling. The more people who do this the more property prices rise as an ever increasing amount of capital is poured into that market. It's a global trend and I don't see any governments doing more than lip service to put the brakes on what has become Bitcoins model for growth. The banks are all in on this like pimps, the real estate business pumps it like drug dealers and the governments are taking their cut in land tax/stamp duty like cops on the take (with many politicians also owning lots of investment properties they're also hooked), and ultimately it leads to inflation as property prices outpace income at an ever increasing rate. @The Beauty of Data visualises this phenomenon taking hold around mid 1980s Taken forward to it's logical conclusion, when real-estate prices finally exceed the majority of people's ability to buy and pay off a property within their lifetime, all property will be owned by banks and everyone is effectively paying rent their entire life long. Whether you rent or you have a permanent debt, it's all just the same with a shift in liability for repairs and rights to improve the property.

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