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Comment Re:How about just saying no, when the phone ask? (Score 5, Interesting) 478

You can easily use a 3rd party calendar app.

I also just discovered Permission Denied this morning. It (theoretically) revokes specific permissions from already installed apps. Handy for when you want an app that asks for location permission and such but you know it doesn't actually need it. Whether or not it actually does what it says it does, I don't know...

Comment Re:You think the housing collapse was bad (Score 1) 917

*raises hand*

Civil Engineering graduate here. Graduated near the top of my class from a fairly respectable private university a year and a half ago. Good grades, summer internship, etc. etc. I've been looking for over a year and a half and I can tell you the OP is correct; there are no entry-level jobs for college graduates. Anywhere. It's not just me, the majority of my classmates have had the same problem.

I don't know why people don't seem to get this. It's not just soft majors that can't find work, it's everyone. The CE jobs that are out there ask for minimum 2-5 years experience, and there are plenty of experienced engineers who were laid off at the start of the recession and need work; employers apparently don't even look at resumes of recent graduates. I'm currently working at a manufacturing plant for about 60% of the pay I would have expected in an entry-level CE job.

Even if jobs were to start opening up in the next year or so, I'm still screwed because then it'll have been a few years since school and I'll have begun to forget everything by then. My current options seems to be limited to either sucking it up and working for a crappy low wage job until I work my way up to something decent in 5-10 years, or going back to grad school (the option I'm planning on taking) and hoping a master's will get me somewhere.

Scientists Recover Black Death RNA From Exhumed Victims 105

Richard.Tao writes "Scientists have recovered the RNA of the virus that caused the plague by digging through an English mass grave, and compiling [from several partial examples] the genetics of the virus. Though the plague still persists, scientists have believe the ancient strain was different due to a different onset of symptoms."

Facebook's URL Scanner Vulnerable To Cloaking Attack 34

Facebook's recent move to scan for malicious URLs sounded like a pretty good idea, but itwbennett writes with word that it's already been bypassed.'Hatter,' a member of hacking think-tank Blackhat Academy, provided a live demonstration, which involved posting the URL to a JPEG file on a wall. Facebook crawled the URL and added a thumbnail image to the wall post, however, clicking on its corresponding link actually redirected users to YouTube. This happened because the destination page was able to identify Facebook's original request and served a JPEG file. Earlier this week, Facebook signed a partnership with Websense to use the security vendor's cloud-based, real-time Web scanner for malicious URL detection. Blackhat Academy has now provided proof-of-concept code, which, according to its advisory, can be used to bypass it."

EU Parliament Group Opposes Long Copyrights and Oppressive DRM 172

the_arrow writes "Apparently there are some politicians who 'get it.' At least it seems that way after reading an entry on the blog of Rick Falkvinge (founder of the Swedish Pirate Party). He says the Green party group, fifth largest in the European Parliament, has officially adopted several of the Pirate Party's stances in a new position paper (PDF). The Greens say, 'the copyright monopoly does not extend to what an ordinary person can do with ordinary equipment in their home and spare time,' adding that a 20-year protection term is more reasonable than 70 years. They go on to say, 'Net Neutrality must be guaranteed,' and also mention DRM: 'It must always be legal to circumvent DRM restrictions, and we should consider introducing a ban in the consumer rights legislation on DRM technologies that restrict legal uses of a work.'"

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