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Comment Re:Old Ben (Score 1, Interesting) 485


Peaceful protests are good. Looting is bad. It turns out there was more than one person at the BLM protests.

Peaceful protests at the Capitol is good. Storming into capitol with zipties, guns and bombs is bad. It turns out there was more than one person at the Capitol protests.

I know you have trouble seeing reality. But it turns out some people do horrible stuff, no matter the side.

But the bad people on one of those sides were doing it on orders of the current president.

Comment Re:it's different this time (Score 1) 134

It was precisely because of that post in 2010 that I didn't mine. Everyone convinced me there it could only be worth the electricity cost used to mine it. I didn't buy Bitcoin till 2013 because of it. But I'm very glad I got in early. The only other coin I bought back then was the Ethereum ICO. But I only put 0.5 BTC into it. But I own a Genesis address, which is nice, but unusable now, as the private key was emailed to us un-encrypted. :D Everything I own is on my Ledger anyway.

Comment Re:Hyperbole much? (Score 3, Informative) 119

This is the type of slashdot reader that I listened too in 2010, telling me that Bitcoin was a joke and don't get any. It took me until 2013 to actually understand and buy a lot of bitcoin. Now I'm retired early doing everything I ever wanted to do with no stress. I wouldn't pay much attention to the boomers on slashdot in this regard. :D

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