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Comment Re:Are these people insane? (Score 1) 465

from where I am sitting it changed on the day that the first Android device shipped. the iPhone was lacking so many features that made my dumbphone useful that I couldn't ever see downgrading to the original iPhone. no, for me the real revolution was when someone shipped a device with an intuitive OS that had all the features of the other normal phones at the time, like MMS for one, but that was not until Android was out.

Comment Re:There it goes. (Score 1) 319

how does an inch-long mass of flesh with no brain have rights?

someday in the future people will look at the arguments you are parroting and wonder why edge cases like 3rd trimester abortions were used as justification to outlaw the roughly 80% of abortions that are done in the first 10 weeks after conception.

Comment Re:There it goes. (Score 1) 319

because i can't be held responsible for the enforcement of bad laws since i am not a DA. in short, murder laws are fucked. people are charged with murder because they sat in a car outside a bank. people are charged with murder because their accomplice was shot by a security guard. i can't do anything about it, but what you see as a double standard could be changed through legislation.

i didn't say that you were the member of a hate group, but you are taking your bullet points from the propaganda that is published and disseminated by hate groups.

so what is human? a fertilized egg? 2 cells? 4? where do YOU draw the line? is the morning after pill "murder" then, since you are incapable of discussing abortion without calling it murder?

having to pay for the support of a child is one thing, and those laws are because it is the interest of society to have parents (not just men) be financially responsible for their children if the are able. however that is not anything like forcing a woman to bear a child from the moment of conception until 9ish months later because you have a personal aversion to abortion.

Comment Re:There it goes. (Score 1) 319

since you have all this information at your fingertips i suppose you can provide some cites for the infanticide and elective 3rd trimester abortions, right? or didn't your hate group provide you with that along with all the propaganda?

you know what is an extreme view? the idea that to protect a fetus that is a inch or two long we should use the legal system to force an adult woman to be an unwilling vessel for what will at some point and time become a human. that won't concern you though, because at the root of all the anti-choice arguments is the fundamental idea that women matter less than the babies that they produce. if they didn't, then abortion would matter less to you then allowing the legal system to coerce women and interfere in their relationship with their doctor.

Comment Re:There it goes. (Score 1) 319

and by your logic you equate the termination of a pregnancy by removing a one inch long bundle of still-developing tissue from a uterus to killing a fully developed adult capable of reasoning and asserting their rights. so who is the extremist again?

you immediately threaten someone who disagrees with you but i suppose that i should expect that from someone who sides with doctor killers.

Comment Re:There it goes. (Score 1) 319

partial birth and 3rd trimester abortions are done in the case of the mother's life being in jeapordy not as an elective procedure. but keep preaching the propaganda.

most people make the differentiation between fetus and baby when it is viable outside the womb, but i wouldn't expect an extremist to know that.

Comment wardriving is illegal? (Score 1) 122

every use of the term wardriving that i have ever heard was focused on logging the location and type of wireless networks that are being broadcast. what google did involved capture of packets, which is more than just logging the location of a wireless network and calling it wardriving is too over-broad.

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