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Comment That's another one for the Luddites (Score 1) 115

Superbugs, environmental destruction, weakening skeletons, and other assorted genetic 'artificial selection' weakening agents.

For the sake of our short term comforts have we doomed the human species to a genetic inferiority and environmental destruction that could appear to conform to the idea that the candle which burns twice as bright only burns half as long?

In the long term perspective, will the trades have been worth it?

Or it doesn't matter because the universe is far too large to make finding another home practical while this one will have its' oceans boiled away in a billion years?

Comment Ridiculous (Score 1) 275

Look if I was running a business I wouldn't want people writing negative reviews either!

Think of it this way: bad businessmen have children to feed too and you can't starve their poor kids just because of some arbitrarily designated bad business practices, correct?


PS: Don't forget to think of the children!

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 1) 819

I'm sorry let me address the 'point' more specifically so that you don't give some BS retort: By the parent's 'point' that violence and other crimes increases with increased population density crime in urban areas should be continually increasing as the population density does. But it's not. In fact as mentioned it is DECREASING. So the point is invalid. Get it?

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