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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 3 accepted (29 total, 10.34% accepted)

United States

Submission + - General Strike Called For 9/11/2007 In U.S.

cybermage writes: Organizers around the U.S. are working to coordinate a General Strike for 9/11/2007. Their reasoning is as follows: "Since the tragic events of 9/11/01, America has fallen under a spell of fear and deception. The government peddles lies and steadily chips away at our democratic rights. Hundreds of thousands have been killed in the Iraq war — mostly civilians. Torture, surveillance, tyranny, empire. Many of us can recognize the fascistic direction of this government. But what do we do?"
United States

Submission + - Gonzales Resigns

cybermage writes: "With an announcement scheduled for this morning, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned. CNN has the story of Gonzales' resignation as the culmination of a process began when nine U.S. Attorneys were dismissed for seemingly political reasons. CNN believes Bush will move to replace Gonzales with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. It is unclear whether he will formally nominate him or take advantage of what remains of a congressional recess to put him in office directly."

Submission + - Google To Add Overlay Ads To YouTube Videos (

cybermage writes: The New York Times (registration likely required) has a report on Google's plans to recoup its $1.65 billion investment in You Tube. Borrowing a move from television networks, Google will introduce advertising that overlays the bottom fifth of the video starting at the 15 second mark. Are they going to kill the goose that has so far laid a giant goose egg for their bottom line?
United States

Submission + - IRS Tracking Party Affiliation ( 1

cybermage writes: "According to the News Tribune, the IRS is tracking the party affiliation of taxpayers in the over twenty states that require identification of party affiliation on voter registration forms. The IRS is using the voter registration data to try to locate tax cheats. Some in Congress are looking to take steps to have the IRS purge such information and put a halt to IRS plans to outsource collections until the issue is resolved."

Submission + - Want Your Boss Managing Your Health Too? (

cybermage writes: "Employers across the country are launching wellness programs in an effort to control rising costs related to health care. I think this is good in spirit, but the right thing done for the wrong reasons often leads to problems too. If employers are motivated by cost, how long before a person's health affects job and advancement opportunities?"
The Media

Submission + - China Overtakes US As Worst CO2 Emitter ( 1

cybermage writes: "The Guardian broke the story of a new study that says "China overtakes U.S. as world's biggest CO2 emitter". Does the press have the story right? On a per person basis, the U.S. emits four times the carbon of China. Also, when you consider how much American manufacturing for American consumption is outsourced to China, how can the study be taken at face value?"
United States

Submission + - Press Wrongly Claim China Ahead Of US In Emissions (

cybermage writes: "The Guardian broke the story of a new study that says "China overtakes U.S. as world's biggest CO2 emitter". The press has begun echoing the story everywhere without giving it much scrutiny. But, is it true? On a per person basis, the U.S. emits four times the carbon of China. Also, when you consider how much American manufacturing for American consumption is outsourced to China, how can the study be taken at face value?"
The Internet

Submission + - Snopes Calls Online Petitions A Waste Of Time

cybermage writes: ", usually a resource for ferreting out urban legends, has decided to engage in a bit of editorializing about the ineffectiveness of online petitions. It seems many petitions sites have sprung up that seem to be mostly geared toward attracting traffic to ads more than having any tangible effect; but, at the same time, efforts like and petitions from seem to be having some effect. Is right? Are online petitions a counter-productive waste of time? What have you experienced?"
The Internet

Submission + - Do Online Petitions Matter?

cybermage writes:, the resource for ferreting out urban legends, has engaged in a bit of editorializing about the ineffectiveness of online petitions. Many petitions sites have sprung up that seem to be mostly geared toward attracting traffic to ads more than having any tangible effect; but, at the same time, efforts like and petitions from seem to be having some effect — at least some of the time. Is snopes right? Are online petitions a counter-productive waste of time? What have you experienced?

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