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Comment Re:Not creepy at all (Score 1) 142

Much of the information is "published" without the user's knowledge or explicit consent; for example, most people probably don't realize that pictures taken with smartphones are automatically geotagged. The point of the app is to remind people that you don't have to make constant "I am here" posts for people to be able to track you.

Comment "Shameful" is the wrong word (Score 1) 209

We don't have an adequate word for stuff that we are not ashamed of, but still don't want everyone to know about. If we had such a word, it would be a whole lot easier to refute the "why do you need privacy, if you have nothing to hide" argument.

The fact is, there is widespread prejudice against a lot of relatively benign personal interests. We just can't resist judging people, it's part of the human condition. Hiding your otaku-ness from the outside world is probably a good idea.

Comment Re:Parenting (Score 2, Informative) 342

Yes, that is the thing, governments should stay out of morality, its best for everyone.

So, you are saying that murder should not be illegal? Theft? All laws are about morals, it is just a question of which morals are important enough to be enforced by law.

No, laws are about protecting people's rights. If someone is murdered or stolen from, their rights have clearly been violated. If a minor murders an imaginary person in a game, or sees a nipple on TV, no rights have been violated.

Comment Re:OTOH, there's jury duty... (Score 1) 654

Personally, I'm not sure the whole 'WooHoo, I can now vote in the US' is worth it - which seems to be the only other *practical* difference between a GC-holder, and a citizen.

Green card holders can be deported for committing a felony. Citizens can only be deported if you can prove that they obtained their citizenship fraudulently.

Comment Re:so apple does not like blind people? (Score 2, Funny) 187

So who thinks a _touchscreen_ is a decent choice for someone visually impaired? Something that relies on hand eye coordination, with no physical feedback?

I know I'm probably going to be proved wrong in a minute by the blind iPad fanbois.

lkdsrkjhskg! kflijaf fkjhskjh apple aj nnd kjhkdjsfg, rjj ok !

Comment Re:Fun read. (Score 1) 320

I especially like the point about the sheer number of armed individuals. Makes me think the only semi-viable zombie outbreak scenario is something like Highschool of The Dead, where an outbreak occurs in urban Japan.

Japan would be safest of all. Why ? One word.


(Everyone still has one of these, right ? I know anime wouldn't lie to me.)

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