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Comment Re:They may have more cells... (Score 2) 330

I have had three dogs that have all been very careful where they did their business. Two would back up to a bush and drop their load under the bush where no one would see it or walk in it. The third is so small he just walks under the bushes. One dog would get extremely embarrassed if I asked him what he was doing when he was taking his dump. He would turn away from me and hang his head, and then slink off afterwards. The only way to get back in his good graces was to tell him it was OK and that he was a good dog.

Comment Re:It should be regulated (Score 2) 219

I'm not too sure that a lot of people just don't realize the scale of the abuse. I've talked to people I know about online privacy and how their information is used against them. Most of those I've talked to think I'm paranoid and they could care less that their privacy is compromised.

My wife doesn't get it and doesn't care, and she and I have had this conversation many times. She is so addicted to Facebook she can't stay off it for more than a couple of hours at a time. Me? I don't even have an account. Never have had.

She gives out her email address and cell phone number for any "free" stuff she sees an ad for, and then wonders why she gets several hundred spam emails and a half dozen phone calls a day from people wanting to sell her stuff. Tells me once again I'm paranoid when I tell her why she is getting so much spam.

She isn't stupid about things in physical life, but she is techonology-challenged big time. She insists she never uses the internet even while she's connected to Facebook. She thinks if she doesn't open her browser she's not online even though I've told her dozens of times that she is when she's on Facebook. She can't get it through her head that the only way to reach Facebook is on the internet. She thinks it is on her phone. Physically on her phone. She's just as helpless with a desktop or laptop too. Computers are just a big black box to her. Her brain was never wired to understand technology. I've seen a lot of people like her. Talked to, and helped, hundreds of people with post graduate degrees who couldn't program their own thermostats, (I worked in the HVAC trade) and were just as ignorant about how to use a computer. Some intelligent people's brains just do not function in any way related to techology.

Comment Re:The USA is a joke (Score 3, Informative) 390

Do you even have any idea what the cost of living is in Denmark? If the income is the same a Dane pays more taxes, higher prices for homes or apartments, higher restaurant prices, clothing costs, higher prices for gas, higher prices for all utilities, etc.... Some of these higher prices are very daunting as they are 100-160% higher than in the US. That means more than double what those things cost in the US. For example, a pair of Levi's 501 jeans in the US averages $41.48 nationally. In Denmark that same pair of jeans is $108.49. All things considered a Dane's purchasing power is 16% lower than someone of comparable income in the US. Meaning, of course, that overall a Dane is 16% poorer than the equivalent American.

There is no free ride.

Comment Re: Wrong (Score 2) 390

Actually, some of the emails had highly sensitive info on them. Stuff like the actual names of citizens of other nations working for the US in in their country. That is life and death type of info and is classified far above Top Secret. If I remember correctly it is Eyes Only or something close to that. Ambassadors do not have that type of clearance, and neither do members of Congress who are members of the Intelligence oversight committees.

This is some very serious stuff.

Comment Re:Everyone mocked Sarah Palin's "Death Panels" (Score 1) 486

What does that matter to the parents? They have every right to attempt to extend their own child's life, even if it is a hopeless case.

I keep seeing it said that the government had nothing to do with it. Hogwash. The hospital is a government institution in England. The courts are a government institution. It was the hospital, one government institution, going to the courts, another government institution, to deny the parents the ability to try to extend the child's life. It was government against the individual from beginning to end.

Comment Re:Whatever (Score 1) 364

As a Type II diabetic who struggles with weight due to multiple factors, including insulin, I can tell you that the idea that the feature should be abandoned because some snowflake might take offense is that substance that comes from the northern end of a southbound horse.

So what if I struggle with my weight. Should everyone else in the world be penalized, kept from having access to useful data, because of my personal health issues? What a crock of that same substance I mentioned above. This is nothing but pure selfishness on the part of anyone who would complain about such a thing. Anyone that selfish needs to be "triggered" as often as possible to teach them the world does not revolve exclusively around them.

Comment Re: Whatever (Score 1) 364

It says a lot about our so-called cultures that you feel the need to post this as an AC to avoid the political backlash of speaking out on what really is happening with Brexit. I call our cultures so-called because any culture that cannot/will_not allow the free expression of ideas that reject the current media/academia/elite-imposed mantra is not a viable/self-sustaining culture. It is a self-destructive culture that will eat it's own and thus destroy itself through lack of the ability to actually think.

Comment Re:It's all stolen BUT GO AHEAD & TRUST IT ANY (Score 1) 105

You have a very odd idea as to what being "affluent" is. The Federal government owes more than $225 trillion which includes $205 trillion in unfunded liabilities that Congress has unconstituionally spent without making any provision to pay.

It seems you think debt == affluence, and the more debt you have the richer you are.

The US is bankrupt. If the government lowered spending enough to start paying off what we owe at $1 trillion a year it would take more than 2 centuries to get us out of debt, even if we didn't pay any interest on the money we owe. If we figure the population of the US at 300 million people every man, woman, and child in the US, right now, owes approximately $750,000 for it is the taxpayers who must pay off the money the government borrows.

Comment Re:Don't use one at all in the first place (Score 2) 181

Google won't get you thrown in jail? How big a step is it from deleting Youtube accounts because they don't like what the person says and turning people over to the cops for what they say? It's not a very big step, for they are already acting like they think they are a form of "thought" police when they say who can, and who cannot, communicate based upon what the person has to say. It's nothing more than rank discrimination based on people's thought patterns.

Twitter suspended Rose McGowan's account because she has been very outspoken about the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Is that not another tech company thinking it is the "thought" police? It sure looks that way to me.

And, Google has messed with former employees being able to get jobs because of their politics. How about what they did to James Damore? They have displayed this kind of behavior, punishing people for thought, repeatedly.

Trust Google, or any large tech company for that matter? You have to be kidding me.

Comment Re:Same relation as income? (Score 1) 233

Your logic is something else. It's pretty easy to beat up a straw man. I never said coffee leads to addiction. I said that the using of high levels of caffiene over periods of time leads to addiction. If you don't think caffiene is physically addictive, well, you're going to have to argue that with the scientists. They say it is.

My experience with it says it is too. When I stopped using it I felt lousy for weeks and had major headaches besides. Those are the withdrawal symptoms of caffiene addiction.

Yes, there is a lot of coffee at 12 step meetings. There is also a whole lot of tobacco. What else do you expect from a bunch of addicts, than for them to move from one addictive behavior to another? True, caffiene isn't as destructive as heroin, meth, coke, opioids, etc... but it doesn't mean it isn't addictive. If addicts didn't think alike 12 step programs wouldn't work, and they do work. First time I went to a 12 step meeting I thought I was listening to people telling my story, rather than their own.

It has been proven time and time again that addicts think very much alike. They have problems they don't like to deal with so they like to alter their mental state rather than deal with the issues. Twelve step programs work because, if a person follows the steps, the addict deals with those issues that they have never dealt with before and thus get past their addictive behaviors.

The only way to beat addiction is to deal with the inner demons every addict has. As long as a person will not deal with those, they will never stop using the substances that are killing them and ruining their lives.

Here's a link to how addicts think.

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