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Comment Re:Nintendo "Corporate Social Responsibility": (Score 1) 100

What legal precedent do they set if they allow a guy to just flat out reimplement their game?

Actually, none. Copyrights aren't compromised by allowing infringements (unlike trademarks).

I agree with your other points though. Nintendo's position is reasonable. (Ignoring the copyright-duration debate, which is a separate issue.)

This isn't the first time we've seen this sort of response. Both fan remake projects of Chrono Trigger received Cease and Desist letters.

Comment Re:Ummmm ... duh? (Score 1) 385

Of course, now when the pilot has to take a leak there is one less cabin crew, which I'm sure you can construct a scenario in which that's not a good idea.

The solution is right there in the summary: have a flight-attendant lurk in the cockpit.

I'm baffled that this wasn't mandatory. As others have mentioned: what if he passed-out, or had a heart-attack? It's painfully obvious there should never be just one crew-member locked in the cockpit.

Comment Re: Centralized on GitHub! LOL! (Score 3, Informative) 116

With Git, you have a full copy of the repo just by virtue of having "checked out" a copy.

Quick nitpick: that would be a clone, not a checkout.

For the non-git-users among us:

git clone: copy that repository to my local file-system. (All branches are copied across. This is normally over ssh or https.)

git checkout: give me the specified branch. (Doesn't require use of the network.)

git fetch: update the local store of the repository to reflect the current state of the repository on the server.

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