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Comment Computer Science == Applied Mathematics (Score 2) 564

The problem is not limited to high-school. It was not until my post-grad studies did I start learning real computer science. Most of what I learned in my undergraduate studies was IT.

At its heart Computer Science is Applied Mathematics and is closer to Physics than IT. With that said I am currently working in IT as are many with advanced CS degrees so maybe that is where the confusion stems from...

Comment Not when but IF! (Score 1) 92

From the article: "How quickly RPKI will be adopted is unknown." How arrogant is that? Wouldn't it be better to say "It is unknown if RPKI will be adopted or not."

The beauty of the Internet is also its greatest weakness, a lack of centralized control. Who do they think runs the "Internet"? I'd like to apply for that job :)

Comment Don't replace the system, supliment it (Score 1) 276

It should be:

STEP4: ?????

This won't work, this is what DNS fixes. The problem is that sometime after bookmarking it the site's IP address changes and thus breaks the link.

Also, your solution moves from one central authority to another, from DNS to search engine.

I'd like to keep using the current system but supplement it with an alternate one. If you want to get to torrents, etc, use the alternate system. New TLDs, new DNS, new certificate authorities, etc. Let whoever wants to run search engines.

The big question is how do we keep the new system from being influenced like the current one has?

Comment C/C++/Objective-C OOP (Score 2, Interesting) 345

I had a difficult time moving from C++ to Objective-C. I think it would have been easier going straight from C to Objective-C. Old habits are hard to break. I thought I new OOP but it was learning Objective-C that really let it sink in.

I learned it as part of my Master's project, an iPhone application, for my graduate studies in Computer Science. I have since setup a Linux box specifically to code in Objective-C.

It really comes down to personal preference. Code in what language you like. Currently I prefer Objective-C.


Comment Antimatter Engine? (Score 1) 269

The article, although limited on scientific data, is interesting. It makes me wonder how much and at what rate they capture antimatter? What circumstances are required to ensure that antimatter is present to trap?

If one can readily trap antimatter you wouldn't need to store it long. Instead control matter antimatter collisions and harness the explosive power. What would it be called? an engine? a reactor? a generator? Hmmmmmm...

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